Rinehardt Law - May 2022

Using a GoPro or Dashcam Footage in Motorcycle Accidents

Filming your motorcycle ride is not only a great way to record and share the joy of your epic motorcycle rides, but a great safety tool as well. Many riders use GoPro cameras on their helmets or motorcycles to film their rides, while other riders use a dashcam.

driver was speeding or driving erratically — a video that captures the other driver’s negligence is the best evidence you can have.

In addition to showing that the other driver caused the accident, GoPro/dashcam footage can also be proof that you were not negligent. While you may know the other driver was at fault for your motorcycle crash, the insurance company will likely try to point at least some of the blame back at you by claiming you were somehow careless. Video evidence can easily clear you of blame for the crash. Video footage can also serve as protection from road rage. Road rage is becoming more and more common and can become dangerous very quickly. Sometimes, seeing a helmet camera is enough to convince a rageful motorist to back down. In the event you are assaulted, your GoPro will catch the incident on camera.

Whether you use a GoPro or dashcam, the footage can be used as video evidence in the case of a motorcycle accident.

Video recordings are a common type of evidence in personal injury lawsuits, and GoPro/dashcam footage can provide a ground-level view of what happened during your motorcycle accident and is admissible in court. The reason video footage makes such strong evidence in motorcycle accident claims is that it can show irrefutable evidence of the at- fault driver being negligent. It can show that the driver cut you off or failed to yield the right of way, and it could show that the other

Check your bike before every ride. Another important piece of motorcycle safety is ensuring your bike is ready to ride every time you take it out. It doesn’t have to be intensive, but you should check your tire pressure and depth, turn signals, hand and foot brakes, and fluid levels. You don’t want to discover that something is wrong with your bike while on the road, so always inspect your bike before every ride. Ride defensively. Every time you hit the road, you will come across distracted or unaware drivers. Never assume you are visible to all drivers while riding a motorcycle. Try to avoid driving in a vehicle’s blindspot and wear bright colors to become more visible. Drive defensively by following the rules of the road, giving yourself plenty of time to make turns, and being aware of your surroundings. If you are lucky enough to have a motorcycle, we wish you many safe and epic adventures this summer!

As we progress closer to summer, many of us will be breaking out our motorcycles to ride. Unfortunately, accidents involving vehicles and motorcyclists are way too prevalent. If you’re planning to ride your bike over the next few months, you of course need to keep safety in mind. Since May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, we wanted to share some useful safety tips for motorcyclists so you can safely enjoy your rides this summer. Wear the proper equipment. If you’re planning to ride on a motorcycle, you need to wear the proper safety equipment. You should always wear a helmet but adding a jacket, boots, and a pair of protective gloves will maximize your safety. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, helmets reduce motorcyclist fatalities by 37% and reduce head injury risks by 69%. Wearing the proper equipment can be the difference between walking away or suffering a severe injury (or worse) after an accident.


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