Climate Adaptation Framework for NHS organisations – Further Guidance
Further guidance:
Consider the following six types of resources:
Human resources
o Identify job roles, teams, committees or individuals that may already be developing policies, plans, or actions aligned with adaptation or who have knowledge of climate change issues and duties. o Who will develop and deliver your adaptation arrangements internally? For example, Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR) colleagues, and Estates and Sustainability teams who may be working towards your Green Plan objectives. o Who will help you plan and deliver your adaptation work? Do you have a Sustainability/Climate Working Group or Corporate Management Team which meets regularly? Governance arrangements are further explored in Task OC2C.
Physical and material resources
o Understand the different types of assets and what their roles in adaptation might be. o Identify any assets that your organisation owns or manages that support resilience and adaptation (for example flood resilience infrastructure or estates and greenspaces that provide ecosystem services).
Financial resources
o Examine what funding is currently allocated to support work aligned with adaptation and what funding opportunities exist.
Intellectual resources
o Catalogue the skills that your organisation has access to that could help with adaptation work (for example risk managers, engineers, GIS and data analysts, community engagement, resilience practitioners, communication or environment specialists and those with facilitation skills). See Task OC2A regarding assigning resource.
Information resources
o Determine what adaptation information (including records of climate impacts) your organisation currently promotes internally and/or externally and identify who holds theses resources.
Monitoring resources
o Understand what resources (staff, processes, metrics/indicators) the organisation has for monitoring, evaluating and reporting.
Authors: Sustainability West Midlands; Sniffer Partners: NHSE North East & Yorkshire, NHSE North West, NHS Greater Manchester
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