Further Guidance: Climate Adaptation for NHS Organisations

Climate Adaptation Framework for NHS organisations – Further Guidance

• Assess what is happening already on adaptation within your local health system and identify who you need to engage with. For example, as an ICB you can map out service providers across your ICS. All organisations should investigate whether a map of adaptation activities and responsibilities within your local health system has already been completed. When identifying who you will be engaging with, consider the following questions: • Map out and understand the strategic requirements/expectations/goals around adaptation outside your trust that impact you, including within the NHS and England more broadly. There may be minimal specific guidance in England on Adaptation and Adaptation Planning, but there are strategies within the NHS and beyond that are relevant to be aware of and can have adaptation applied to.

Intermediate Maturity Tasks PI2A Develop an initial adaptation strategy and action plan

Develop an initial adaptation strategy, which can act as a catalyst for raising awareness and resourcing further adaptation work. At this stage, the focus is will mostly be on setting strategic objectives and capacity building initiatives.

Suggested tasks:

• Define the scope of the initial adaptation strategy/action plan.

• Start to set out an understanding of roles and responsibilities for different areas of adaptation between these structures (e.g., estates, ops, community resilience) (Task OC2B see Organisational Culture). • Communicate the case for adaptation – the initial adaptation strategy/ plan is an important engagement and awareness raising document. Include key facts about climate trends, projections and impacts for your organisation ( UC1A, UC1B, UC2B see understanding the challenge). Explain how adaptation will benefit your organisation including any links to wider organisational strategic priorities and outcomes ( OC1A see Organisational Culture). • Looking at the actions you have listed ( PI1B ), you could start to prioritise these actions based on the potential severity of the impacts as well as how prepared you are for the hazards they address already. An action plan should include at the very least specific quick wins, who is responsible for these and how the actions will be delivered. You should also have a programme of delivery established for some longer-term actions and start assigning resource to these. For further guidance, see Adapt to Survive.

PI2B Take action to deliver initial adaptation measures

Take early practical action on adaptation by building upon existing projects or implementing no- regret / quick-wins actions. These help raise the profile of adaptation, building internal support and helping to spur further action.

Further guidance:

Authors: Sustainability West Midlands; Sniffer Partners: NHSE North East & Yorkshire, NHSE North West, NHS Greater Manchester

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