CBEI Central Wisconsin Spring 2022 Report


Discrimination and Hate in the United States

Beyond Diversity: Access, Equity, and Participation

Corporate Social Justice: Going Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility We have a very diverse, multi-generational workforce. Things to know about younger generations (millennials and younger): • They highly value when organizations take a stance against injustice • They pay attention to where their money goes – and where an organization’s money goes • They want to be their authentic selves at work

Human Rights

Diversity is about representation or the make-up of an entity

Inclusion is about how well the contributions, presence, and perspectives of different groups of people are valued and integrated into an environment

Understand the Issues

Diversity Access to Resources Equity


Key Takeaways: What Can Companies Do to Recruit & Retain a Diverse Workforce?

Who in the United States lives in Poverty?

13.2% of the US Population

Encourage the Creation of Employee Resource or Affinity Groups

Offer Trans- Inclusive Health Care Benefits

Acknowledge Holidays of All Cultures

30% of Trans People

5.6% of Children

Hire a Leadership Team Reflective of the Diversity in Your Workforce

Track Company Progress over Time – This is Not Once-And- Done Work

20.8 % of Black Americans

Provide DEI Training Options for All Staff

Household Size

Poverty Level

25.4% of Native Americans

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

$12,880 $17,420 $21,960 $26,500 $31,040 $35,580 $40,120

Understand Unconscious Bias + Microaggressions

Require HR & Hiring Managers Complete Implicit Bias Training

Poverty means the income level from employment is so low that basic human needs can't be met. Basic human needs: food, clean water, shelter, clothing, transportation, education, and health care .

Be Honest About Company Culture

*Put Your Money Where Your Mission Statement Is!*

Based on 2021 Data


Center for Business and Economic Insight

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