Bulletin 10.02.23

Prep School Mr Henry Matthews - Head of Prep

We have certainly ended the first half term in true QCPS spirit, with plenty packed into the final week. Today we celebrated Edukid, our global charity, with an

A quick note about parking - please could everyone ensure that the spaces available are used correctly with vehicles remaining within the lines. This is important to ensure a safe and smooth drop off and collection. Thank you in advance for your support. Finally a mention of some staffing updates for the months ahead. We say a huge thank you and a sad goodbye to Mrs Thompson today as she heads off to retirement and to enjoy some well - earned time with her family. We held a special assembly in Pre - Prep to celebrate all that she has done for Queen ’ s over the years and gave gifts and messages of thanks. Looking ahead to after half term, I am delighted to say that Mrs Swanson will extend her time with us. Over the coming weeks she will support Mrs Wade ’ s return to work in Year 3 and following this will take over from Mrs Oliver in 5RO for the summer term. I know the children will be pleased to continue working with Mrs Swanson after half term. I wish you all an enjoyable week ahead and I look forward to an exciting second half of term when we return.

enthusiasm about their current topic - focused around the wonderful book 'Clean Up' by Nathan Bryon. They have written some detailed and well - crafted letters to our Queen's College community, persuading their readers to help our oceans. Similarly, Year 1 has also been busy writing persuasive posters to care for our local environment, paying particular attention to the habitats of our local animals. Our Reception class has been busy rehearsing to share their superb learning in their first class assembly. It went down a storm with parents on Thursday afternoon, well done all. We look forward to seeing Year 1 and Year 2’ s assemblies later in the year. The two Parents ’ evenings this week were once again a real success and I know that the chance to talk with staff about progress and achievements has been greatly appreciated. As always, there was a real buzz in the room and I was pleased to hear so many wonderful comments being passed on about the children ’ s work. If there are any parents who did not manage to attend, do contact your child ’ s form lead and they will be happy to arrange a separate appointment. We will be in touch with 6PF and 2SK parents after half term to re - arrange appointments missed due to staff illness.

own clothes day and bake sale. Thank you for the many kind donations, both in the form of money and cake. Today ’ s fundraising has gone a long way to meet our annual commitment to supporting the village of Kampong Takong in Cambodia. Later in the year we hope to have the chance to speak directly with children in the village and find out all about life in Kampong Takong. successful Taunton Music Festival for our Year 5 and 6 choir. They performed three pieces with great enthusiasm, skill and passion. The adjudicator gave plenty of praise in the performance summary and special mentions were made about the challenge and complexity of the compositions. We earned a well deserved commended certificate and were placed joint second. A big well done to all involved and thank you to all who supported us on the day. We also had a surprise visit from Mrs Wade, who I am pleased to say is looking well and on the mend and I really think watching the choirs lifted her spirits. Thank you also to Miss Scutt for her incredibly hard work in pulling together a very successful morning. Thursday saw another The theme of caring for our environment has run throughout our Pre - Prep this week. Year 2 have demonstrated real

Best Wishes,


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