Maturity Stage: Advanced
Maturity Stage: Mature
WT3A Formalise partnership working
WT4A Expand a programme of longer-term joint actions
Ongoing collaboration with partners can help you deliver an expanding range of adaptation actions and achieve shared outcomes. It is likely that many adaptation actions cannot be effectively delivered without the involvement of partners. Partnership working could enable new funding opportunities.
As you work with partners more frequently and on larger projects, you will need to formalise partnership arrangements – agreeing roles, responsibilities and funding allocations. This might build upon existing arrangements or might need you to establish a new partnership.
WT3B Develop communication and engagement activities with partners
WT4B Take a lead in networks and peer organisations
As an organisation that is now a leader on adaptation, you will have invaluable experience to share – and much still to learn. Your adaptation work will be strengthened when others are progressing, so take an active role in networks and connect with peer organisations.
Highlight and communicate shared priorities, climate risks, and ongoing adaptation actions with partners. Use this communication to emphasise the importance of your collective action, internally and externally. Consider streamlining or increasing the effectiveness of your community resilience communications and similar by joint communications with partners.
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