Intermediate (OC2)
Advanced (OC3)
Mature (OC4)
Planning and Implementation
PI1A Define a strategic vision for adaptation
PI2A Develop an initial adaptation strategy and action plan PI2B Take action to deliver initial adaptation PI2C Engage with relevant NHS internal structures and processes to plan for adaptation
PI3A Develop an appraisal process for selecting adaptation actions PI3B Develop a comprehensive adaptation action plan
PI4A Adopt an ongoing adaptive management cycle for adaptation planning PI4B Mainstream adaptation into your organisation’s functions PI4C Develop a strategic change process for adaptation outcomes
PI1B Identify a range of existing and potential adaptation actions PI1C Identify relevant NHS internal structures and requirements for adaptation
PI3C Implement a programme of adaptation actions
Working Together
WT1A Join and participate in relevant professional and/or adaptation networks WT1B Identify and engage a wide range of internal and external stakeholders
WT2A Develop key partnerships and opportunities
WT3A Formalise partnership working
WT4A Expand a programme of longer-term joint actions
WT2B Coordinate with partners to identify initial actions
WT3B Develop communication and engagement activities with partners
WT4B Take a lead in networks and peer organisations
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