Maturity Stage: Mature
UC2C Consider how your organisation’s functions (or service areas) might be affected by climate change
UC4A Undertake project-level risk assessment
Your organisation will have many functions that might be affected by climate change. To identify these you will need to engage with a diverse range of internal stakeholders to explore the connection between strategic and operational priorities and climate impacts. Maturity Stage: Advanced
Conduct a project-level risk assessment focused on climate risks to a specific project, policy, asset, or location. These are typically justified for operations which provide a critical function of your organisation or are major investments/assets. The project-level scope allows for an appropriately detailed analysis of climate risks and identifies opportunities to embed adaptation into projects from their inception.
UC3A Integrate climate risk into corporate risk register
Use your organisation’s risk registers (at corporate or service level) as a way to heighten awareness, consideration and action on climate adaptation.
UC4B Integrate climate adaptation into internal systems and procedures
Integrate knowledge into internal systems, responsibilities and procedures, so that adaptation is no longer seen as an ‘add-on’ task or something that is someone else’s responsibility. Accessible training on adaptation will help support many more people in your organisation to carry out adaptation as part of their everyday work and job descriptions.
UC3B Undertake detailed climate change risk assessment
A climate change risk assessment is used to evaluate climate risks across your estates, infrastructure and operational services/ functions. This strategic ‘scan’ helps to understand the changing likelihood and consequence of a range of potential risks for your organisation. It enables you to prioritise climate risks, allowing you to better focus limited resources.
UC4C Actively engage in sharing, learning, research and innovation
To meet the challenge of adaptation, your organisation will need to continually learn and adjust. You will benefit from connecting with a range of potential partners, both locally and internationally (WT2A). Research and innovation can be harnessed to co-produce adaptation solutions, alongside local stakeholders.
UC3C Identify knowledge gaps, seek expertise and foster links with research and innovation
As work on adaptation advances, you should seek to identify knowledge gaps that are important to your decision making. Knowledge gaps could be addressed by seeking external expertise – and there may be opportunities to work with other NHS organisations at system level or connect with research and innovation.
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