“That’s probably just come with age – knowing my body a bit more. I’ve become really aware of what foods make me really unhappy and bloated – certain foods, like if I eat ice cream or drink lots of fizzy drink, I get so bloated.

“So I’m learning what I used to think was a treat isn’t really a treat any more.”

Wicks has channelled his wisdom into his latest book, Feel Good In 15, with a whole host of quick recipes, 15-minute workouts and more.

A quarter of an hour might not seem like much, but he’s convinced it’s enough time to change your life.

“In this world we live in now, where time is so short and people are so busy and so hectic with the way we live, 15 minutes is a manageable amount of time to do one thing productive, which could be anything from doing a quick little workout, doing some meditation, doing some journaling, or even calling up a family friend and having a chat while you go for a walk.”

These are what Wicks calls “daily wins” and he says they can be “a catalyst for more change”.

Releasing a health and wellbeing book in December might seem a little counterintuitive – after all, this is the time of year most of our health goals go out the window – but Wicks is an advocate for balance, all year round.

This Christmas day, he’ll be enjoying all of the festive food on offer, and then on Boxing Day he plans to “use that energy for a good workout”.

Feel Good In 15 by Joe Wicks is published by HQ, priced £22. Photography by David Loftus.Available now

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