1. Get the kettle on.

20g plain flour 1tsp ground cinnamon

2. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan, then sauté the shallot for two to three minutes until softened, stirring regularly. Add the garlic and fry for one minute until fragrant, then throw in the tin of butter beans, along with any liquid from the tin. Bring up to a simmer, add the pepper, Parmesan and red wine vinegar. Don’t skimp on the pepper here – it’s the main flavour, and you want it to be almost spicy. 3. Pour the boiling water into a saucepan and boil the broccoli and kale for two to three minutes until tender. Drain, season well and set aside.


1. Add the plums, the one tablespoon of sugar and vanilla extract to a small saucepan with two tablespoons of water. Cook over a high heat with the lid on for five minutes, then take off the lid and reduce the heat, cooking for a further two to three minutes, until the fruit is soft. 2. In a frying pan, add the remaining demerara sugar, butter, hazelnuts, oats, flour and cinnamon and cook, stirring regularly, until golden and crisp, about 10 minutes.

4. Serve the beans in two bowls, topped with broccoli and kale with a little bit of extra Parmesan.

3. Divide the fruit between two bowls and sprinkle with the crumble mixture to serve.

Joe Wicks’ stovetop plum crumble recipe

Feel Good In 15 by Joe Wicks is published by HQ, priced £22. Photography by David Loftus.Available now.

“A crumble with no faffing about. Can you believe it? No faff, no oven and it’s ready in 15 minutes,” says Joe Wicks.

“This speedy crumble has a few healthy shortcuts, but the end result is bang on.Tastes just as good when it hits the lips. Swap the plums for any in-season fruit and follow the same method – you may just need to lengthen the cooking times for harder fruits like apples and pears.”

You can even add any nuts, seeds or granola you like to the crumble mix, to give it a bit more crunch.

Stovetop plum crumble plumble - Ingredients: (Serves 2)

300g plums (approx. 4), stones removed 1tbsp, plus 20g demerara sugar 1/2tsp vanilla extract 30g salted butter 30g hazelnuts, roughly chopped 40g porridge oats | 37

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