Creating the inspiration to move

Year End & New Beginnings

We are please to bring you this Boxing Day special edition of In The Country & Town, providing an opportunity to showcase some great properties which are priced competitively to attract the savvy house buyers who are starting their 2024 property search early. In our January 2023 edition of this magazine we predicted, despite the widespread media gloom about the house market at the time, that the year would end with house prices not greatly changed in our area of operation.We are please to say that this has proved to be the case with house prices only slightly down, impacted by buyer demand steadily improving as the year progressed.The Autumn of 2023 saw the first positive upturn in house buyer activity this year, and there was clear evidence confirming the market had stabilised as we approached the final quarter of this year. As we are now in the final days of this years market, we are able to report that house buyers are still on the hunt for their ideal property, so a later year up-tick is providing opportunities for those wishing to sell their property now despite this being an uncharacteristic time of year for house sales activity. There is no doubt that December 2023 saw a respectable level of house buyers viewings, a fact that was notable especially in the top end sector with properties such as the £5.250m. property shown below achieving five new viewings which bodes well for people on the move to new beginnings in 2024.

Published by Kilbricken Publishing and John Joe Photography Limited,Telephone: 07470 707275, email, web Publishing 2022 - All rights reserved. Reproduction is forbidden except by express permission of the publishers.The content of this magazine is believed to be correct but its accuracy is not guaranteed and it does not form part of any offer or contract. John Joe Limited cannot accept responsibility for any omissions or errors.

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