Take A Look!

There are many fine properties to see within these pages and you will see the wonderful interiors of some of the finest properties on the Berkshire / Hampshire borders, with properties from £315,000 to £5.250m in this magazine edition, so we hope you will enjoy exploring the pages of In The Country & Town. We hope you will enjoy reading some of the editorial features, including recipes from renowned Joe Wicks on why 15 minutes is enough time to change your life, Gabriela Peacock on foods to eat to avoid colds and flu this winter, Cameron Diaz, motoring, interior design gardening and some film and tv reviews.

Joe Wicks

Gabriela Peacock

Cameron Diaz

Motoring - First Drive



Interior Design

Labour In Government + Interest Rates Down = Market Up-tick By December 2024

The likelihood of a Labour Government being in power by this time next year is very high and in the past, such a change has had a positive outcome on the house market in the short to medium term.Add in the prospect of interest rates tumbling in the second half of next year, then there can be little doubt that the best in house buying opportunities for savvy buyers will be during the first six months of 2024. Our advice to house buyers is to start their property search early in the New Year and don’t delay. We hope you enjoy reading this Boxing Day 2023 edition of In The Country & Town and we look forward our New Year 2024 editions, when we will give our readers further market insight and will again showcase some of the finest properties for sale or to let.

John Holden - Chairman McCarthy Holden | 7

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