King's Business - 1929-01


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T h e K i n g ’s B u s i n e s s Motto: “I, theLord, do \eep it ; I unii water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will\eep it night andday." Isaiah 2 * 2:3 PUBL ISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INST ITUTE OF LOS ANGELES

J ohn M urdoch M ac I nnis , Editor-in-Qiief

C harles E. H urlburt , Associate Editor

K eith L. B rooks , Managing Editor

E rnest E. N ichols , Circulation Manager

Volume XX

January , ] 929

Number 1



Table of Contents

Advertising : For information with reference to advertising in T he K ing ' s B usiness ad­ dress the Religious Press Assn., 325 North 13th St., Philadel­ phia, Pa., or North American Bldg., Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Gass Mat­ ter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at spe­ cial rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. Terms: $1.25 per year. Single copies 25 cents. Foreign Coun­ tries (including Canada) $1.50 per year. Gubs of 5 or more 25 cents reduction on each sub­ scription sent to one or to sep­ arate addresses as preferred. Remittance : Should be made by Bank Draft, Express or P. 0 . Money Order, payable to the “Bible Institute of Los Angeles.” Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. Manuscripts : T h e K i n g ' s B usiness cannot accept re­ sponsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. Change of Address: Please send both old and new ad­ dresses at least one month pre­ vious to date of desired change.

EDITORIALS The Vox Humana of Time...... ............................. Is God Still Raising up Prophets?....................... Quack Psychologists ............... .............................. Poisons in the Pot................... .....:....... ..... ......... Is Variety Necessarily Variance?..............,.... . The Ministry of Comfort....................................... Resolutions for Dr. McNeill................................. Flashlights ...... ..............,.................j........................

3 3 5 6 6 7 7 8

* ' :*


ARTICLES A Faithful and Wise Servant—By Rev, John H. Hunter................. A Requisite for a Happy New Year—By Dr. P. W. Philpott........... Archeological Findings at Kirjath-Sepher—By Dr. Paul G. Culley. The Kind of a Church we Need—By Rev. John Wood.................... The Kind of a Pastor we Need—By K. L. B..................................... The Middle Ground Group—By Dr. Charles F. Wishart.............. A Bottle Evangelist—By Frances A. Troutman............ :.................. DEPARTMENTS Perplexing Passages—By K. L. B...................... ................................ Stories of our Enduring Hymns.................. .......................................... Striking Stories of God’s Workings................................ ...................... Finest of the Wheat ............................ -.................................................. Heart to Heart with Young Readers—By Dr. C. G. Hazard............ Junior King’s Business—Orah G. Brooks, editor.............................. International Sunday School Lessons.................................................... Notes on the C. E. Topics—By Alan S. Pearce................................ Our Literature Table ............................................................................... New Testament Notes—By K. L. B....................................................... B. B. B .B. Page................................................................................... * * *

.10 .15 .18 .20 21 .23 .24

.26 .27 28 .31 .34 .35 .37 .46 .50 .59 .64

PO L ICY AS D E F IN E D BY T H E BOARD O F D IR E C T O R S O F T H E AN G E L E S (a ) T o s ta n d fo r th e in fa llib le W o rd of G od a n d its g r e a t fu n d a m e n ta l tr u th s , (b ) T o s tr e n g th e n th e f a ith o f a ll b e lie v e rs, (c) To- s t i r y o u n g m en a n d w om en to fit th e m se lv e s fo r a n d e n g a g e in d efin ite C h ris tia n w o rk , (d ) T o m a k e th e B ib le I n s titu te of Los. A n g eles k n o w n , (e) T o m a g n ify God o u r F a th e r a n d th e p erso n , w o rk an d co m in g of o u r L o rd J e s u s C h ris t: a n d to te a c h the- tr a n s f o rm in g p o w e r o f th e H o ly S p irit in o u r p re s e n t p r a c tic a l life , (f) T o em p h a siz e in s tro n g , c o n s tru c tiv e m e s sa g e s th e g r e a t B IB L E IN S T IT U T E O F LOS

fo u n d a tio n s o f C h ris tia n fa ith . 536-558 S. Hope Street


Los Angeles, California

S B * « ?

ENineteen hundred and twenty-nine! The hopes which welcome thy birth combine The certain knowledge, thy m onth s will shine In the gracious splendor of Love Divine, With the earnest prayer, wh ilst thou art m ine, God’s Grace will grant I may n e ’er repine, If the gifts which I look for are not thine. May I rest in the faith ...God will design More good for me than words can define.

In th a t joyous fa ith thy birth I hail, For the Father’s promises cannot fail. , — William Olney

January 1929

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The Vox Humana of Time 5N old writer tells how he once went into an ancient German church as twilight time was falling over the buildings* A single candle struggled with the gloom that possessed the aisles, the columns and arches, and made all things weird and spectral. A few people were scattered about in the great pews, listening to the organ, and he joined them. The great organ, touched by a master hand, began its wonderful work of sound, calling up all the faculties from their chambers—the watchmen of the soul from their

unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Le t' not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” , One voice, the voice of the God-man, is able to sway all storms whether without or within. One voice is able to pierce through the space between heaven and earth, into the lowest regions where tempests have their home, into the very heart of every trusting soul. “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will rest you. Take my yoke upon you and learn o f me; for I am meek and lowly of heart', and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” Dear reader, has your spiritual ear tried to catch that voice while the turbulent waters of affliction swirl about you and the winds of dissension and persecution and

citadels and cells. How it groaned through t h e o l d building! How these won­ derful sounds t h r o b b e d against the pillars and shook them, and rumbled along be­ neath the feet of those in the pews and traveled thrillingly and palpitatingly overhead among the arches! It seemed that the organ could sigh and shout and storm and rage and madden and soothe. Then suddenly, a f t e r pouring out these preludes of its power, it began to utter some marvelous delirium of music. It imposed on the i m a g i n a t i o n the whole scenery of a wild tempest—a storm of nature a m o n g heaths and mountains. The thunder rolled near and far among the crags. The rain hissed in the winds. The

temptation beat upon you ? Oh, come into His presence! Be still and know that He is God. Fill your mind with His precious Word. You will soon discern the Vox Hu­ mana whispering: “Peace be unto you.” “Lo, I am with you all the days; even unto the consummation o f t h e age.” It is the voice of the risen, interceding a n d c o m i n g Christ. “Ever in the raging storm Thou shalt see His cheering form, Hear His pledge of coming a id : ‘It is I, be not afraid.’ ”

Is God S till Raising up Prophets? K NOW ING this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpreta­ tion. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men o f God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Pet. 1:20-21). In our last issue, we replied to the conten­ tion of Dr. W. B. Millard, editor of “The Supplementary Bible,” that divine inspiration is continuous and that the authors whose writings appear in this new Bible were inspired in the same sense as the Scripture writers. Dr. Millard goes farther. In his letter to us he declares that these men were prophets in the same manner even as the Biblical prophets. Says Dr. Millard : “There was a period in the history of this country when all the statesmen, from Henry Clay to Stephen A. Douglas, declared that the only solution of the slavery question, was compromise. But Abraham Lincoln lifted up his voice and said: ‘This country cannot exist half slave and half free.’ “A half century ago, in the city of Milwaukee, when saloons were found on every corner, and often several more within the block, when the city boasted of the beer

flash of the lightning seemed to go by you. The storm possessed—it overwhelmed the listeners. The blasts of the tempest and the bolts of the thunder were like giant spirits striving together in night and solitude, while fear and terror and awe and horror held revelry and carnival. And then—there seemed to be a human voice. Amidst the hurricane on the organ, it rose so clear, so calm, so ineffably restful and light, so high over the surges and the wailing of the rain, the thunder and the wind. .It was the vox humana stop, the human voice stop, that marvel of all the artifices of music. The storm continued, but the voice sang on and rose on the wings of light and of sound, over all the hurricane that hurried from the pipes and keys. What discerning listener could fail to think of the Human Voice Stop of the ages? “The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved : He uttered His voice; the earth melted.’’ Against the crash of kingdoms, thrones, peoples, opinions, panics, horrors, fears and travails, one Voice—and only one— has been heard, saying to those whose ears are tuned to catch its music: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give -----


January 1929

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that made it famous,- and before the word prohibition as applied to the liquor traffic was born, my mother put her hand on my head and said, ‘Some day this dreadful drink traffic will be outlawed in this country.' I will not live to see the day, but Willie here will.’ “When the whole world agreed that puny man would never be able to ride the whirlwind and direct the storm, Tennyson predicted the airplane. “ ‘For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see, Saw the Vision of the world, and all the wonders that would be; Saw the heavens filled with commerce, argosies of magic sails, ASSKR&SliPM Pilots of the purple twilight, dropping down with costly bales.’ “A hundred poets in a war-torn world,

Take the prophecies concerning the Saviour. Peter tells us plainly that these prophecies came not by the prophets’ own interpretation of the facts with which they had to deal (2 Pet. 1 :20-21) and that they often did not under­ stand the meaning of the things they wrote (1 Pet. 1:10- 11). They foretold the exact time of His manifestation many centuries hence, the exact place and manner of His birth, the most minute details of His life, death, burial and resurrection. One could take the prophecies of the Sav­ iour, written hundreds o f years before the events trans­ pired, and almost write the history of His walk on earth. Dr. A. W. Hare once said: “If you saw a half- dozen doors with as many locks to them, so new and strange that not a locksmith in the country could make a key to fit any one of them, and if a man then came with

fired, as I believe, with illumi­ nation from on high, have per­ sistently predicted u l t i m a t e world peace; predictions which the signing of the anti-war trea­ ties seems to bring near to ful­ fillment. . “These are a few instances in which God has cleared the vision, fired the faith, and in­ spired. the utterance of his lat­ ter-day children just as truly as ever He did for prophets of old.” May we be pardoned for ex­ pressing our wonder as to how iong it has been since the good doctor has carefully considered the nature of the Biblical proph­ ecies ! It may be true that some men of long experience in guid­ ing ffie political- destinies of a country, may sometimes antici­ pate certain developments, yet many with the most accurate knowledge of tendencies, re­ sources and dangers, have had their prophecies mocked by the bitter irony of events. It is the unexpected that happens. It is perfectly safe to talk of “ulti­ mate world peace,” for the Word of God has decreed it,

a key which fitted all these dif­ ferent locks and opened all the six doors, could you doubt that his was the right key? This is just the kind of proof which the prophecies afford of the truth and divinity of Christ. The weight of this proof rests on two simple facts: One is that the prophecies were written many hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. The other is that Jesus died the death related in the new Testament. Jesus is the true key for the prophetic lock; and the prophets who foretold all these things hun­ dreds o f years before must as­ suredly have spoken, as Peter says, “not of their own will, but as moved by the Holy Ghost.” Where—outside of the ;Bible—will we find prophecies of this kind? Let Dr. Millard tell us of one instance in which one of his poets has recorded an explicit,' verbal prophecy concerning a nation not even in existence at the time of writing, nor for cen­ turies afterward. What about prophecies that were fulfilled by the very elements ? Compare

-Another Tea r for Jesus

Another year for Jesus Who spent His years for me, Who made Himself acquaint with grief, To bring my sorrow sweet relief; My Comforter to be!

Another year for Jesus ,— Himself, each day to be

My Friend, my Helper, yea, my L ife ; Who takes the lead in all the strife,

And loving, conquers me! Another year for Jesus! What i f it be my last?

I ’ll fill each day with service sweet, My willing tasks He will complete, While fly the glad hours past. | —N ell R. R offe .

but many of the world’s “prophets” have cried “peace, peace, where there is no peace.” Admiral Bristol, in taking a fling recently at the folks who are always prophe­ sying peace, said with a laugh: “I can now understand why the Bible says, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers.’ They will never be out of a job.” Peter declares that prophecy had no human author. Could Tennyson, Longfellow or Byron have prophesied specifically what would be the place of their own residence and what would be their circumstances one year hence? Would they have attempted to look forward five years and predict exactly what should be the state of affairs in their own communities? So detailed and specific, and written so long before the events transpired, are'the prophecies of Scripture, that they are not for a moment to be compared with mere human foresight such as we might discover in some of the poems of “The Supplementary Bible.”

Dr. Millard’s illustrations given above with the prophecies concerning the Jews (Deut. 28:49-57; 64-67; Hos. 3:4-5; Ezek- 20:41-44 ; 21:22), abiding for centuries without a king or prince, without a sacrifice, driven out of their land by a nation not born at the time of the prophecy, scattered in every country on earth, remaining in unbelief, having no ease anywhere, yet remaining a distinct people, never swallowed up by other nations, to return to their own land after many centuries and finally to look upon the Saviour their forefathers pierced. Dr. Millard tells us that he cannot believe that God “showed special and distinguished favor to a few old Jewish writers from Moses to Paul.” We can only reply that we find no evidence whatever that any of the writers contributing to “The Supplementary Bible” have been favored in anything like the same way as were the prophets of old. We cannot but marvel that he is able to find the slightest basis for comparison.

January 1929

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Dr. Millard considers himself a Fundamentalist. He says: “In a large and generous sense I am a Fundamentalist. But there!are certain extrerhists who would confine the Infinite God within the confines of a book, and who hold- that God limited the revelation of Himself to the land of Palestine.” We take this to mean that he accepts the great essential doctrines of Scripture. We would not say that a man is not a Fundamentalist because he does not accept our par­ ticular view as to the method of divine inspiration, but we do believe that when one does not consider the Bible the only infallible rule of faith and practice, he has left the door wide open to all manner of error and confusion. Mrs. Eddy, Pastor Russell, Annie Besant and a hundred others rush in with their conflicting teachings, claiming continuous inspiration. Quack Psychologists T HOUSANDS of people are talking psychology today. Business men and salesmen are not considered equipped unless they are schooled in ways to take advan­ tage of the laws that have to do with the working of human minds. Skeptics endeavor to explain religion on the basis of psychology. Scores of fakers rake in shining dollars by putting a “Professor” before their names, announcing themselves as advisers who can enable people to overcome their mental and vocational ills through the newly discovered laws of psychology. Christian teachers who know, from their Bible, the difference between divine psychology, or spiritual tact, and the dangers of dabbling with “personal magnetism,” “will power,” “psychic forces,” “the subconscious mind,” etc.,

have long been warning people. Now it appears that some educationalists are waking up to the danger and are send­ ing out the warning. What the psycho-educational clinic of Harvard Uni­ versity calls “a new sort of bad fairy” is abroad in the land. The faculty of that institution are asked to warn all students against the practices of men who are but half- informed concerning scientific psychological principles. These men are proving a detriment to the mental health of thousands of people, and there is just enough truth and falsity in their teachings to make them dangerous. Most of the modern teachings of psychology are purely of the flesh. People are taught principles which they must employ at the expense of common honesty and decency. They learn how to take advantage of their fellow men, force them into any decision desired, and even how to control the opposite sex through the feelings and pas­ sions. It is plain crookedness, and those who practice these methods have forgotten the fundamental law that what a man sows that shall he also reap. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked As a result of these practices in the business world, there has been stirred up an unnatural demand for prac­ tically everything, and political economists are predicting the crash that must soon come. It is claimed that our mooted prosperity is 75 per cent forced. An abnormal demand for luxuries has been created, and millions of people have been tricked into buying things for which they cannot pay. Manifestly there will be a limit and financial disaster will have to call a halt. The Christian is wise if he seeks his knowledge of mental action in the Scriptures. There you will find the psychology which has the divine approval. It begins with a consecrated life and makes one depend upon the Holy Spirit for leading. It teaches one to win his battles


New Time Time is a treasure; How shall we use it? We can make useful, Or can abuse it! Only the Giver Can make our hearts wise, Teaching us daily The New Time to prize.

By • • • • William Olney

Time is a treasure,

So view it, my soul! Keep all its spending ’Neath watchful control: Employ each moment In God’s holy fear, And He will ensure thee A happy New Year.

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January 1929


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that they ignore the essentials of religion? Are they big corporations raking in the money ? And what about “undenominational churches”—are they not but another denomination? These independent churches are already getting together in conventions and doing things after the pattern of denominational movements. Watch it! Before long someone will decide that false teachers are within this fold; then there will be an “orthodox undenomina­ tional church,” and a “liberal undenominational church,” and on it will go. The fact is that you may bring about outward uni­ formity without having the unity of the Spirit; and, on the other hand, variety is not always variance. There may be in the church of God, as in the works of God, variety the most diversified, yet combined with unity most divine. An apostle has said, in terms most unequivocal, that if we have fellowship with that Saviour whom the apostles .de­ clare, we have fellowship with the apostles themselves. What does it matter whether I prefer the Baptist, Metho­ dist, Presbyterian, or some other form of worship, so long as through saving faith, I have been united by the Holy Spirit to the Body of Christ and am sincerely seeking to walk in the light of God’s Word? Newman Hall long ago wisely said that “the Church of God is a garden, laid out in many beds which vary in shape with the nature of the ground.” There are some gardeners who think we should make one large bed out of the whole thing, with one and the same border. Others would make all the beds of the same form, some advocat­ ing square, others circular, others oval. Still there are others who would parcel off their little corner and put a high board fence around it. There are many, however, whose loyalty to God’s Son and God’s Word cannot be called in question, who think the existing arrangement may be better, after all, for the present, the variety making both for beauty and productiveness. It is quite certain that God’s bright sun continues to arise and shine on all the garden, regardless of the fences and shapes and borders, and the impartial showers and refreshing dews have been falling on all the churches which are true to the great fundamentals, giving them a S ig n in g Off A change o f administration having come in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, the retiring editors o f T he K ing ' s B usiness take this occasion to thank our readers in all parts o f the world for their prayerful support and kind expressions dur­ ing the two years of our editorship. Our circula­ tion has steadily increased for many months past and we have had every reason to believe our edi­ torial policy not only pleased our readers but had the approval of Him whom we serve. We had not anticipated the changes that have come, hence our friends will understand why we announced certain features for the coming year which neces­ sarily will be withdrawn. We bespeak an interest in the prayers o f our friends at a time when we seek divine guidance as to our future service. —ED ITORS.

Announcemen t o j Resignation Dr. John M . Maclnnis resigned as Dean of the Bible Institute and Editor- in-Chief of The King’s Business, which resignation became effective December 31, 1928. While The King’s Business by this resignation and tha t of Keith L. Brooks, its Managing Editor, will lose the ser­ vices of these members of its editorial staff, yet this important department of the Institute activities will be continued under efficient management, and we solicit the prayers and cooperation of all readers of The King’s Business. leathern J^ewby, - President Board of Directors

through prayer, and it is only the prayer of the righteous man that avails. This is vastly different from modern ideas which begin and end with self, tend to make people dishonest and to develop a super-self-consciousness. No safer way has been found than God’s way.

m Is Variety Necessarily Variance?

It is getting to be a popular pastime for some ministers to withdraw from their denominations, organize inde­ pendent churches and then cry out against denom- inatiorialism. The Literary Digest quotes at length from a New York preacher who is said to be “as fighting mad as Dempsey” against denominationalism. He says it is “a pestiferous abomination” which will be done away just as soon as people become Christians. Denominations are said to have arisen from laying emphasis on the accidents and incidents of religion as a tradition, ignoring altogether the essentials of religion as a living experience. All denomi­ nations, this noted preacher says, are private corporations doing a profitable business, having enormous incomes, high-salaried offices and invested funds. It is sad indeed that bdievers cannot realize a unity that can be manifested in uniform expressions in every­ thing; It would be. ideal if all could be persuaded to go over arid join the chuixh of which our fighting brother is the pastor, and sing orit of the same hymn-book. He may have discovered the ideal plan—an undenominational Church. He may have found the truth that is essential, and may know just what emphasis to place upon each truth, but as unfortunate as may be some of the denominational lines, it isn’t at all likely that any considerable. number would feel comfortable under his preaching, or satisfied with’the particular way things are done at his church. Already, we cannot, escape the feeling that this preacher is given to making very radical statements. Is it fair to say that our great evangelical denominations are built upon accidents, incidents and tradition? Is it true

January 1929


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saction of salvation completed. Now he teaches that every Gospel minister and missionary in the last 1900 years, was all wrong, having failed to “rightly divide the word of truth.” Hundreds of earnest Christian people have been par­ taking of this latest concoction with apparent relish. We are compelled to reiterate our conviction, in spite of the fact that some beloved teachers are given to these views, that this is another poison in the pot. We exhort those who hold these notions to lay aside for a time all printed helps setting forth this new method of interpretation and search the Word of God alone. We feel satisfied that those who do so will fail to find these ideas substantiated, and that they will not be led to believe that the devout lovers of the Bible through the centuries, whom we have always considered Spirit-taught men, were all deluded. m The Ministry of Comfort A N aged lady of our acquaintance who lives in Glen- Ldale, California, has given her life to a ministry of comfort. We have known of her sending regularly for many weeks, beautiful Scripture messages and post­ cards to shut-ins. Noticing that each message of cheer was a new one, we suspected that she was carrying out a systematic plan. We learned that this dear Christian woman has given her life to the work of love and sym­ pathy for the afflicted. She has a large assortment of printed messages of encouragement, and these are systematically mailed to the names of shut-ins given her. These, she tells us, are being sent from coast to coast. She prayed daily for guidance as to messages for special cases, and this often necessitates the preparation of special material which she neatly types. All messages, however, are short and to the point. Recently a shut-in who had received a large assort­ ment of her cards, turned them over to a radio speaker who conducts an hour each day for shut-ins, and her messages went out on the air to hundreds of listeners who never miss this hour. Thus again we see that there is some service for all to do for Christ. If, instead of waiting for some public service, we make use of the opportunities that are easily within our reach, we shall be surprised to discover how much good we can do in the world in Christ’s name, and incidentally we shall find abundant joy ourselves and the privilege of laying up treasures in heaven. When our Lord began His ministry, He entered the synagogue one day, and, taking up the Scriptures, read from Isaiah’s prophecy the words: “He hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted.” Let us not forget that at the close of his ministry, He prayed: “Father, as thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I sent them.” Per­ haps one reason the work of the church lags today is because so many believers have forgotten that they are called to the blessed ministry of comfort. There are hun­ dreds of burdened, bleeding hearts. The Word of God provides the only balm. But who will administer it? “You cannot set the whole world right, Nor all the people in it; You cannot do the work of. years In just a single minute. But keep one little corner straight, By humble, patient labor,

crop of souls for Christ both at home and in the far-away lands. There is a sacredness in individuality of character; each one born into the world being a fresh new soul intended by His Maker to develop himself in a fresh way. We are what we are, and cannot be other than ourselves. So it is with the church. With all our differences of form and emphasis, there may be peace and concord among us, and we may strengthen and stablish one another and work to the same ends. Poisons in th e Pot A great deal depends in these days upon the ability of Christians to analyze their food. There are all kinds of concoctions being served up to the church, and there is no doubt but that wild gourds are being put into the soup. The devil is on hand to see to that, and he cares not whether it be a Modernist or a Fundamentalist who mixes the concoction. In Elisha’s time there might have been a dead congre­ gation one day but for the timely discovery made by some wide-awake folks that there'was poison in the pot (2 Kgs. 4 :38-41). There is some hope for people who have enough personal knowledge of the Bible so they can analyze their diet. One class of people to be pitied are those who want something soothing, regardless of what it is, and gulp down with relish the sweet nothings of modernism. But there is another class in no less danger. They have gone to the other extreme and want some novel Bible teaching that will make them feel they are on a higher spiritual level than any one else, having had some special illumination promised for the last days. The strange thing is that some who have cried the loudest about poison being put in the pot by Modernists, have themselves been slowly poisoned by extreme teaching and have not awakened to the fact that the devil has done for them practically what he has done for Liberalists, but in another way. Satan has more than one kind of poison in his medicine case. Before us is a Fundamentalist paper called Separation Truth. The object of its editor is evidently to separate believers from much that has been precious to the church from the days of the church fathers down to the present, and give them, at the same time, to feel that the devout expositors of God’s Word throughout the church age were 1very much in the dark as to heavenly truths as compared with themselves. Modernists in some of our denbminations have been endeavoring to rule out water baptism as of no importance to the church. Extreme Fundamentalists now come to their aid by saying that water baptism (in any form) is a mistake, being connected only with the Jewish “kingdom assembly.” Says a writer in Separation Truth'. “As long as God is dealing with Israel, water baptism is to continue, but when it is no more to Israel, then it is no more baptizing with water.” Paul’s statement that he was sent to preach rather than baptize (1 Cor. 1 :14) is said to be the truth for this age. A change of dispensation took place at Acts 28 :28, and water baptism should have ceased then. The commission of Mt. 28:19-20 is strictly Jewish and of no application to the church. A remarkable thing is that the writer of this article, only a short time ago, was just as vigorously teaching another extreme idea. In his evangelistic campaigns, he hustled converts to the nearest swimming pool for immer­ sion, lest they might be cut off before having the tran­

And do the work that each hour brings, And help your next door neighbor.”

January 1929

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It is said that the most expensive radio hook-up yet, was arranged for “Judge” Rutherford, Russellite leader, who broad­ casted his annual convention sermon over 96 stations. Rutherford gave the world an hour and a half of Russellism this way, from the Michigan State fair grounds at Detroit. * * * Francis Galton studied Oxford men of ability and their sons. One of the general laws of inheritance he formulated is that an individual derives one-half of his in­ heritance from his parents, one-fourth from his grandparents, one eighth from his great-grandparents, and so on back. * * * Dr. G. Campbell Morgan took a three months’ “vacation” in England and ad­ dressed only 149 gatherings. * * * T. S. Eliot in The Forum, makes a statement that might well be pondered by Christian workers: “It is proverbially easier to destroy than to construct; and as corollary of this proverb, it is easier for readers to apprehend the destructive than the constructive side of an author’s thought. More than this: when a writer is skillful at destructive criticism, the public is satisfied with that.” * * * The New York Bible Society has been collecting Bibles or Portions of the Scrip­ tures in various languages in actual circu­ lation in different parts of the world, and has brought together 380 volumes, which are now on exhibit in the Assembly Hall of its Bible House at 5 East 48th Street, New York. There is a separate exhibit of 67 languages in which the Society is circulating the Scriptures in the city and harbor of New York and among the foreign populations coming in­ to our country. * * * According to the Chicago News, there is now an excess of deaths among women over that of men between the ages of twenty-two and thirty-two. It is said that never before have such conditions existed in this country, and that it is not so in any other country. This condition has been creeping upon the women during the time they have been discarding their clothes and taking to cigarette smoking. * * * Rev. Donald Fraser of Central Africa has made a statement about books on prayer. Perhaps many have depended altogether too much upon such books. He says: “There are many books written on prayer today, but I confess I have read few, because it seems to me that to learn about the art of prayer is the worst way to learn to pray. You don’t teach a child to walk by teaching him first tha

of water. A steady creek of cool liquid flows from the rock and forms the Wady Musa, or Stream of Moses. It is a place of reverence to many pilgrims. * * * Evangelist T. T. Martin says that from a state college for young women where Evolution is taught, a State Senator and his wife had a party of 27 of the college girls out for a week-end outing. On Sun­ day he talked with them on the subject of the Bible and Christianity. To his utter amazement he found that 21 of them did not believe in God and scoffed at the Bible; S of them were non-committal and only one out of the 27 stood out boldly for the teachings of her father and mother. Everyone of the 27 had come from Christian homes. Methodist Recorder declares that Penn­ sylvania leads all the states in Sunday- school progress. There are 10,906 Sunday schools in the Keystone State, with 184,- 81S officers and teachers. * * * Someone has counted the colleges and universities in the United States. Our country boasts 975 institutions of higher learning, of which 821 are privately con­ trolled. How many of them tolerate the Bible ? * * * Salvation Army growth in this country during the past ten years has been re­ markable, according to United States cen­ sus reports. In 1916 there were 742 corps or local organizations, and these had in­ creased to 1,052 by 1926. * * *

“God grant me faith to stand on guard, Uncheered, unspoken, alone, And see behind each duty hard My service to the throne. Whate’er my task, be this my creed; I am on earth to fill a need.” * * * Says Los Angeles Times: “A jail sen­ tence is the worst people get for lying; for telling the truth they are crucified.” * * * An exchange vouches for the story that a colored woman down South has named her triplets “Surely,” “Goodness” and “Mercy,” so they will follow her all the days of her life. ♦ * * Henry Ford has become the champion of old men in business, and what he says about business applies with equal force to church. “You take all the experience and judgment of men over fifty out of the world,” says Ford, “and there wouldn’t be enough left to run it.” ♦ * * Just imagine it! Airplanes are now crossing the Belgian Congo, carrying passengers, mail and express shipments. * * * That was a rather embarrassing typo­ graphical error which occurred in a Cali­ fornia paper in reporting the North Pole flight of the Italia. It read: “On this voy­ age the Italia carried a cross specially blessed by Pope Pius XI, equipped with a spiked end, which it was planned to drop as the ship passed over the Pope.” * * * Negro Baptists are the largest Negro denomination in this country, and that means in the world. In 1926 they had 22,082 churches with 3,196,823 members. * * * An English missionary in Japan has been presenting the claims of Christianity through the columns of the newspaper. The articles cover only thirty lines, but in three years they have elicited 17,000 replies and applications for Christian literature. * * * Scotland is preparing a memorial to its greatest missionary, David Livingstone. The house where he was born, located in Blantyre near Glasgow, is to be restored to the condition it was in when Living­ stone was a boy. In it Livingstone relics will be exhibited, together with pictures and maps relating to his work in Africa. * * * Report from Damascus states that the Field Museum Syrian Desert Expedition of Chicago has come across the Rock of Horeb. It is now giving a liberal supply

% Vha t Were


You in 1928 •


Check th e words X An attender or an absenter? A pillar or a sleeper? A wing or a weight? A power or a problem ? A promoter or a provoker? A giver or a getter? A goer or a gadder? A doer or a deadhead? A booster or a bucker? A supporter or a sponger? A soldier or a slacker? A worker or a worrier? A lifter or a leaner? A friend or a faultfinder? A helper or a hinderer? For 1929 -------------------- WHAT?

January 1929


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physiology of motion. He stumbles along, and by exercise he learns to walk. If we want to be disciples of Christ in the school of prayer, the best way to learn to pray is to stretch out our hands toward God and stumble toward prayer.” —o— One Year to Live If I had but one year to live; One year to help; one year to give; One year to love; one year to bless; One year of better things to stress ; One year to sing; one year to smile; To brighten earth a little while; One year to sing my Maker’s praise, One year to fill with work my days;

One year to strive for a reward When I should stand before my Lord, I think that I would spend each day, In just the very self-same way That I do now. For.from afar The call may come to cross the bar Or just one day in which to give A pleasant smile, a helping hand, A mind that tries to understand A fellow creature when in need, ’Tis one with me,—I take no heed; But try to live each day He sends To serve my gracious Master’s ends. —Mary Davis Reed. At any time, and I must be Prepared to meet eternity. So if I have a year to live,

" 5 >


T hey S ay ...

Rabbi Ephraim Frisch of San Antonio at Conference of Amer­ ican Rabbis: “Judaism is more imperatively needed by mankind now than ever before. In these days a mechanistic philosophy, a dis- religionized science, secular­ ized ethics, and a new political form of state avowedly hostile to religion, have offered solu­ tions and have failed. Re­ ligion alone can satisfy the demands of men’s higher nature.” * * * The Washington Post: “Men of science are beginning to realize that it is as ‘unscien­ tific’ to scoff at something they have not yet learned as it is to make an assertion that they cannot prove.” * * * George Bernard Shaw. ‘!If a man were to show his underwear on the street in the r a t i o that certain young women do, he would be arrested for indecency.” ' * * * Sir William Bragg, new presi­ dent British Association for Ad­ vancement of Science: “There are some who think that science is inhuman. They speak as though students of modern science would destroy reverence and faith. I do not know how that can be said of the student who stands daily in the presence of what seems to him to be the infinite.” * * * Prof. George W. Friske, Oberlin College : “In countless American homes every member is busy ‘ex­ pressing himself’ with selfish abandon, obeying instinct and impulse without restraint, each running off on his own pet tangent, till the old home- centered life is no more. This selfishness is killing out the old home loyalty which has been the cement of American society.” * * * Prof. Irving Babbitt: “It has been a constant experi­ ence of man in all ages that rationalism leaves him un­ satisfied. Man craves in some sense or other of the word an enthusiasm that will lift him out of his merely rational self.”

Ever With Thee.

George Hall

Gordon E. Hooker


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International Copyright, 1928, by Gordon E. Hooker

January 1929


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“A Fa ith fu l and W ise Servant” (A it. 24 : 46 )

(D r . R euben A. T orrey ) B y R ev . J ohn H . H unter

^ISCOURAGED nothing. I am resting in Philip- pians 4:6, 7. Whatever is God’s will for me is ibest. Romans 8 ;28 is more precious to me than ever before.” In this thoroughly characteristic way did Dr. Torrey answer a question asked him a few days before he passed on to his great and glad reward. He was absolutely confident then, as always, in God’s good­ ness and faithfulness. These he had tested and proved through such a long and busy life as is granted to but few

After prayers he had his supper and was made as comfortable as possible for the night. As he was having some difficulty breathing, Mrs. Torrey placed some extra pillows under his head, and bade him good night. Through the night she looked over at him several times and he appeared to be sleeping peacefully. In the morning she dressed quietly so as not to disturb him. The extra pillows he had taken out and laid on the chair beside him. On going over to him she found that the Master had already called him, and he had slipped away quietly and apparently without pain. For, ah ! the Master is so fair, His smile so sweet to banished men,

men in the ministry. He was nearly seventy-three years old, ten years older than Mr. Moody, the man he so loved and to whom he owed so much, who was only sixty-two when his “coronation day” came. Unable to engage in active pub­ lic ministry since almost the first of the year, Dr. Torrey was still able to prepare the copy for “The Gist of the Lesson” for 1929, to attend the Bible Conferences at Montrose, Penn., and to preside at the Annual Meeting of the Council of the A f­ rica Inland Mission, of which for many years he was the president. After the close of the Confer­ ences at Montrose he spent a happy month with Mrs. Torrey in their old home (Torrey Lodge). During the summer all his children and s o m e of his grandchildren were with him for at least part of the time. On the last Sunday afternoon there he suggested that they all drive up to Conference Hill, from

That they who meet it unaware Can never rest on earth again. And they who see Him risen afar At God’s right hand to welcome them, Forgetful stand of home and land, Desiring fair Jerusalem. To thousands of his former stu­ dents and tens of thousands of his converts, and to Christian workers in all parts of the world, his passing was a complete surprise, and will leave a feeling of very real per­ sonal loss. What land has not been touched by him directly or indi­ rectly? Who can measure the in­ fluence of his evangelistic work, or of his writings? A great man and a mighty warrior for the truth has indeed fallen. The “old guard” is nearly mustered out—out of earth __ and into the Master’s “prepared place.” H is E arlier Y ears

which there is one of the most beautiful views to be seen anywhere. After enjoying it for a little while he asked that they might have a service of prayer, which they did, everyone taking part. Had he any premonition that it was his last visit, to beautiful Montrose, which had been his home for several years after returning from his around- the-world evangelistic tours and before moving to Los Angeles ? H is P eaceful H ome -G oing Since leaving Los Angeles three years ago, his home has been in Ashville, N. C. A letter received on Friday, October 24th, contained encouraging news. It seemed as though recovery was coming, though slowly. He was able to go down town and attend to some business alone on Tuesday. On Wed­ nesday he developed a high temperature and the doctor was called in. By Thursday morning the fever had abated, In the afternoon he asked Mrs. Torrey for his Greek New Testament, his German Bible and his American Standard Version. He was propped up with pillows in a comfort­ able position, and enjoyed a real good time with his Father’s message. Wearied a bit, he enquired the hour, and asked if they could not have evening prayers now.

Reuben Archer Torrey was born in Hoboken, N. J., January. 28, 1856. His father, a New York banker, was ruined in the financial crash of 1857. Undiscouraged, he immediately entered business as a manufacturer in Brook­ lyn and New York City. He was at one time Collector of Internal Revenue in Brooklyn, and was offered the nomination for mayor of the city but declined it. His mother was a deeply religious woman, and trained him carefully, while still a little child, to read his Bible and to pray every day, a habit he never neglected nor r e l i n q u i s h e d . Almost the last thing he did was to ask for his Bibles and to have a season of prayer. While only a boy, he was reading a book found in the lumber room of his home, and the question faced him as he read: “Will you be a Christian now?” He wanted to say “Yes” ; but he felt that if he did so, he would have to become a preacher, and as he was determined to be a lawyer he said “No.” He entered Yale Univérsity at the age of fifteen and graduated with honors four years later. Having no real spiritual life, he fell in with a rather fast set and easily

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