January 1929
T h e
K i n g ' s
B u s i n e s s
It is said that the most expensive radio hook-up yet, was arranged for “Judge” Rutherford, Russellite leader, who broad casted his annual convention sermon over 96 stations. Rutherford gave the world an hour and a half of Russellism this way, from the Michigan State fair grounds at Detroit. * * * Francis Galton studied Oxford men of ability and their sons. One of the general laws of inheritance he formulated is that an individual derives one-half of his in heritance from his parents, one-fourth from his grandparents, one eighth from his great-grandparents, and so on back. * * * Dr. G. Campbell Morgan took a three months’ “vacation” in England and ad dressed only 149 gatherings. * * * T. S. Eliot in The Forum, makes a statement that might well be pondered by Christian workers: “It is proverbially easier to destroy than to construct; and as corollary of this proverb, it is easier for readers to apprehend the destructive than the constructive side of an author’s thought. More than this: when a writer is skillful at destructive criticism, the public is satisfied with that.” * * * The New York Bible Society has been collecting Bibles or Portions of the Scrip tures in various languages in actual circu lation in different parts of the world, and has brought together 380 volumes, which are now on exhibit in the Assembly Hall of its Bible House at 5 East 48th Street, New York. There is a separate exhibit of 67 languages in which the Society is circulating the Scriptures in the city and harbor of New York and among the foreign populations coming in to our country. * * * According to the Chicago News, there is now an excess of deaths among women over that of men between the ages of twenty-two and thirty-two. It is said that never before have such conditions existed in this country, and that it is not so in any other country. This condition has been creeping upon the women during the time they have been discarding their clothes and taking to cigarette smoking. * * * Rev. Donald Fraser of Central Africa has made a statement about books on prayer. Perhaps many have depended altogether too much upon such books. He says: “There are many books written on prayer today, but I confess I have read few, because it seems to me that to learn about the art of prayer is the worst way to learn to pray. You don’t teach a child to walk by teaching him first tha
of water. A steady creek of cool liquid flows from the rock and forms the Wady Musa, or Stream of Moses. It is a place of reverence to many pilgrims. * * * Evangelist T. T. Martin says that from a state college for young women where Evolution is taught, a State Senator and his wife had a party of 27 of the college girls out for a week-end outing. On Sun day he talked with them on the subject of the Bible and Christianity. To his utter amazement he found that 21 of them did not believe in God and scoffed at the Bible; S of them were non-committal and only one out of the 27 stood out boldly for the teachings of her father and mother. Everyone of the 27 had come from Christian homes. Methodist Recorder declares that Penn sylvania leads all the states in Sunday- school progress. There are 10,906 Sunday schools in the Keystone State, with 184,- 81S officers and teachers. * * * Someone has counted the colleges and universities in the United States. Our country boasts 975 institutions of higher learning, of which 821 are privately con trolled. How many of them tolerate the Bible ? * * * Salvation Army growth in this country during the past ten years has been re markable, according to United States cen sus reports. In 1916 there were 742 corps or local organizations, and these had in creased to 1,052 by 1926. * * *
“God grant me faith to stand on guard, Uncheered, unspoken, alone, And see behind each duty hard My service to the throne. Whate’er my task, be this my creed; I am on earth to fill a need.” * * * Says Los Angeles Times: “A jail sen tence is the worst people get for lying; for telling the truth they are crucified.” * * * An exchange vouches for the story that a colored woman down South has named her triplets “Surely,” “Goodness” and “Mercy,” so they will follow her all the days of her life. ♦ * * Henry Ford has become the champion of old men in business, and what he says about business applies with equal force to church. “You take all the experience and judgment of men over fifty out of the world,” says Ford, “and there wouldn’t be enough left to run it.” ♦ * * Just imagine it! Airplanes are now crossing the Belgian Congo, carrying passengers, mail and express shipments. * * * That was a rather embarrassing typo graphical error which occurred in a Cali fornia paper in reporting the North Pole flight of the Italia. It read: “On this voy age the Italia carried a cross specially blessed by Pope Pius XI, equipped with a spiked end, which it was planned to drop as the ship passed over the Pope.” * * * Negro Baptists are the largest Negro denomination in this country, and that means in the world. In 1926 they had 22,082 churches with 3,196,823 members. * * * An English missionary in Japan has been presenting the claims of Christianity through the columns of the newspaper. The articles cover only thirty lines, but in three years they have elicited 17,000 replies and applications for Christian literature. * * * Scotland is preparing a memorial to its greatest missionary, David Livingstone. The house where he was born, located in Blantyre near Glasgow, is to be restored to the condition it was in when Living stone was a boy. In it Livingstone relics will be exhibited, together with pictures and maps relating to his work in Africa. * * * Report from Damascus states that the Field Museum Syrian Desert Expedition of Chicago has come across the Rock of Horeb. It is now giving a liberal supply
% Vha t Were
You in 1928 •
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