King's Business - 1929-01

January 1929


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Strik ing Stories o f God’s Workings GATHERED THIS MONTH FROM BIOLA WORKERS


The service was concluded at 10:30, and the worker took the widow in her car to her room, where she had to quickly change her dress,, wipe the tears from her eyes, and go with a smile to her work at eleven o’clock. This lonely woman and her child need our prayers that they, too, may make preparation to enter in through the gates of God’s city. —o— How God Surprised Dr. Morgan In one of Dr. Morgan’s services while in England, he was led to give an invitation to the unsaved, and asked all who would accept Christ to rise and come forward. To his utter surprise, a great company of people got to their feet. Thinking that there had possibly been a mis­ understanding and that many of the number were back­ sliders rededicating themselves to the Lord, Dr. Morgan stated that this particular invitation was only for those who were coming to Christ for the first time. All re­ mained on their feet. Dr. Morgan was unprepared to make any record of those taking their stand, and asked that all who were truly accepting Christ for the first time, should mail him a postal card or letter at his hotel, declaring that fact. He received 220 replies through the mail as a result of two services. The Rabbi is Getting Worried One Sunday night recently our superintendent of Jewish work attended a synagogue in Los Angeles. The house was packed. After opening ceremonies, the Presi­ dent arose and said, “I am going to get $25,000 from this audience. Now loosen up! I was down at the Bible Institute recently. I have been going down there. I saw some of our young people at the Bible Institute. People, this will never do! They are going to get our young people!” The Bible Institute has apparently been making in­ roads upon the Jewish young people. The Rabbi gave $1,000 for the establishment of a Jewish school to keep their young people from the Bible Institute. His wife gave $1,000. Someone else gave $1,000. Many of the members gave hundreds. Would it not seem that, by the grace of God, influence of the Jewish Department of the Bible Institute is being felt in Jewish circles? Euodia in Seventy-two Schools At last reports our Institute Euodia Clubs had found entrance into seventy-two schools: Junior and Senior High and the grammar grades. There are thirty-seven teachers. Twenty-six of these are volunteers. Nine of the twenty-six are from the student body of the Bible Insti­ tute, and one is a graduate of last year. Three weeks ago one of the students who is taking graduate work, asked for a place to teach. She was told that there was no field prepared. Then the worker

The Touching Story of Shizuko § FTER giving the Bible lesson, the leader of the Nuntius Club in a Hollywood church felt led to draw Shizuko Imai, a 13-year-old Japanese boy to one side and deal with him personally > in regard to a surrender of his life to Jesus Christ. The teacher, after faithfully pointing the way, went home somewhat discouraged, having no assurance that Shizuko had committed himself to the Saviour. At the next meeting of the club, while giving an illus­ trated message, the beautifully colored picture of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane was thrown upon the screen. Here the teacher paused to emphasize the need of prayer in the life of the Christian, and asked if they were really praying Christians. To the surprise of all present, Shizuko, pointing to the Christ, exclaimed, “That Jesus is My Jesus.” Two weeks later Shizuko was accidentally struck by a rock in the hands of his sister and a few minutes later was “absent from the body and present with his Lord.” Before he passed away, his father, a Buddhist, quickly got in touch with the Buddhist Priest, but on his arriving, Shizuko refused his last rites. As a result of Shizuko’s death, four other boys in the club took a definite stand for the Lord Jesus, and the teacher purchased a beautiful framed picture of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. It now hangs in the club room with a plate underneath bearing the words: “In memory of Shizuko Imai.” Here’s Practical Service for Christ Some time ago a young man and his wife came to Los Angeles to make their home. After a while the hus­ band became ill, and as the wife had to go out to work when she could secure it, he was removed to an institution for care. One of the Institute workers called on him there, and during the conversation he said he had drifted away from the Christian training he had received in his home, because of his long illness and severe hardships. It did not seem just to him that God should permit so much suffering to come into his life. He and the Institute worker had a number of talks concerning the goodness of God and the sorrows of life, and much prayer was offered for him. He lingered for several weeks, and the worker believes he came back to his Lord before he died. The young couple had saved some money, but the husband’s illness had used it up, and when he died there was nothing left ; no money for an undertaker ; no money for a funeral service. The poor wife did not know what to do. The worker was able to arrange a simple funeral service. One morning at ten o’clock, a few verses of Scripture were read by a minister, a friend sang the old hymn, “Rock of Ages,” a prayer was offered, and the body was sent to the crematory, for there was no money for burial.

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