King's Business - 1929-01


January 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


Religion That Works B y S. M. S hoemaker , J r .

people who may be disturbed about what they should believe and why. Published by Fleming H. Revell Company—Price $1.75.—J. M. M. —o— The Bible True B y A n U nknown C hristian To those who have difficulty in believ­ ing in the inspiration of the Scriptures and who find many difficulties in the Bible, this little volume is heartily recom­ mended. The author very frankly discusses errors and seeming contradictions with which every thinking student is confronted in the study of the Bible. Many examples of these are explained. He is careful to point out the difference between doubt that arises from a heart of unbelief and the doubt that comes from an earnest desire to know the truth. A few of the chapters a re:—“The Bible’s Divine Origin” ; “How the Bible (as a book) Came into Being” ; “The Authorized or Revised, Which?” ; “Ver­ bal Inspiration.” The book is a sane treatment of these important questions and should have a wide circulation. Pastors and teachers will do well to put it into the hands of their people, Published by Marshall Bros. Price in U. S. 90c and $1.40. —E. N. This is the thirtieth year that “The Gist of the Lesson” has appeared. This long- continued demand in itself speaks volumes for its helpfulness. The book can easily be carried in the vest pocket. The thoughts are condensed so- that the busy teachers and scholars are afforded a fine opportunity to utilize their spare moments in getting a grip of the lesson. Published by Fleming Revell. Price 35c.—E. N. The Title of the book “How to become a Christian” betrays its contents. It is clear and concise in its manner of dealing with the subject in hand. Though much has been written along this line, this par­ ticular edition is written by a layman who knows how to sell insurance, and from possibly a different angle from that from which others have dealt with the subject. It makes an inexpensive and attractive gift, especially to those “almost per­ suaded.” Published by Fleming H. Revell, Price 60c.—P. How to Become a Christian B y W alter M. T hornton The Gist of th e Lesson, 1929 Bv R. A. T orrey

AT HOME! Let us tell you how you can quickly and easily learn to play your favorite instrument, right in yourown homeand in your spare time. Music will make you popular, welcomed every­ where,and oifermanybig-moneyopportunities. E a s y a s A - B - C You need know nothing about music to begin. We give you personal, individual instruction right from the start and guarantee your satisfaction. You will be surprised and, delighted that music can be made so easy and fascinating. Courses in Piano,Violin,Voice,Trumpet, Mando­ lin, Organ, Tenor Banjo, Spanish Guitar, Hawaiian Guitar. Surprisingly low cost; easy terms. Send for Our New Catalog Today It will tell you all about this great School—now in its 25th successful year—and the wonderful National Academy Method that has meant success to over 200,000 enthusiastic students. Send for it right now, while you think of it. It is FREE. N A T IO N A L A C A D E M Y O F M U S IC Dept, 1 7 0 702 East 41st Street, Chicago

This little book of sermons is exceed­ ingly interesting and stimulating. We may not agree with all that Mr. Shoe­ maker presents, but it is particularly interesting as throwing light on the thinking of those who are devoted to what is known as Buchmanism. The text that he chooses for the preaching of a sermon entitled, “What If I Had But One Sermon To Preach,” is John 17:3 : “This is life eternal, that they should know thee the only true God and him whom thou didst send, evén Jesus Christ.” This is a key to Mr. Shoemaker’s thinking and conception of religion. It is a decided emphasis of a living experience and entertains a very definite kind of mysticism which charac­ terizes those with whom he is more or less associated in this country under the leadership of Mr. Buchman. All of the sermons, however, are stimu­ lating and are a real preaching of the Gospel of grace and insist upon a living experience of Jesus Christ as the only hope of salvation. Published by Fleming H. Revell Com­ pany.—Price $1.25.—J. M. M. Doran’s Ministers’ Manual is no longer an experiment. Hundreds of ministers have come to depend upon it yearly as a syllabus for the year’s work and a library of suggestive outlines and ideas. The collection of illustrations for the 1929 editions seem especially practical and many will prize the suggestive material for children’s messages. Good material on the International lessons and Christian Endeavor topics will also be found. Dr. Hallock was formerly editor of The E x­ positor and has become known for his compilations for pastors. He is at present one of the ministers of the Brick Presby­ terian Church, Rochester, N. Y. $2.00 is the price of the manual.—K. L. B. -—o— — o — Doran’s Ministers’ Manual E dited B y G. B. F. H allock , D.D. Dr. McDowell is one of the outstanding men in the Presbyterian Church and has to do with practical problems, but in the midst of his great executive responsi­ bilities he evidently takes time for quiet thought and research. In this little book he states thè great Christian essentials, giving convincing answers to questions that are raised re­ garding Christianity in our modern world. He does not follow the beaten track of Christian evidences but has a fine, original and individual approach that makes the chapters full of interest. It is a fine book to put into the hands of young Christian Essentials B y J ohn M c D owell

Standard Seta SU 875 up. A living memorial—a lasting tribute Write for information. _r J . C . DEAGAN, Inc. 191 D eagan B uilding, Chicago

ICHURCH FURNITURE Everythingf or Church and Sunday School 1 use. FromFactoryto You. Finecatalogfree, DeMoulin Bros* 8C Co* t 1151 South4th St., Greenville, Illinois I What Will Your Annuity Gift Accomplish ? Y OUR g ift w ill a s s is t in th e e v an g elistic w o rk c a rrie d cn b y ov er 500 m issio n ­ a rie s lo cated in th e fo llo w in g fo reig n In d ia , S ie rra Leone, F ren c h W est A frica, Congo, F re n c h In d o -C h in a, C olom bia, E cu ad o r, P e ru , C hile, A rg en tin e, W est C h in a, C en tra l C h in a, S h an g h ai, S outh C h in a, P a le stin e -A ra b ia , J a p a n , P h ilip p in es, P o rto R ico, Ja m a ic a , B . W . I. Y o u r g ift .w ill, be u sed alm o st ex clu siv ely fo r G ospel p reach in g . T h e C h ristia n an d M issio n ary A llian ce is co m m itted to “ go in to a ll th e w orld a n d p reach th e go sp el.” I t does n o t feel called to en g ag e in m edical, e d u catio n al, lite ra ry o r p h ila n th ro p ic w ork, except a s th e se becom e n ece ssa ry a d ju n cts, to th e p re a c h in g of th e W o rd— “ th in g s th a t acco m p an y s a lv a tio n .” T h e follo w in g is th e A llian ce reco rd of fo reig n w o rk fo r 1927 : 19 P io n e e r F ield s, 528 F o reig n M issio n aries, 1,100 N ativ e W o rk ers, 174 M ain S tatio n s, 705 O u t-S ta ­ tio n s, 34 L a n g u a g e s an d D ialects, 267 O r­ g an ized C h u rch es, 19,844 C h u rch M em bers, 3,101 B ap tism s, 302 S u n d ay Schools, 16,606 S u n d ay School S ch o lars, 17 B ible T ra in in g Schools, 303 B ib le T ra in in g School S tu d en ts, $ 6 33,078.13 Incom e d u rin g 1927. S olely resp o n sib le fo r th e e v an g elizatio n o f 60,000,000 souls, in clu d in g 5 p e r c e n t of th e e n tire M oslem a n d p a g an p o p u latio n of th e w orld. W h y n o t in v e st in C h ris t’s p ro g ram fo r th e e v an g elizatio n o f th e w o rld ? W rite fo r d esc rip tiv e c irc u la r a n d fu ll in fo rm a tio n to The Christian and Missionary Alliance 260 West 44th Street, New York, N. Y. c o u n trie s :

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