King's Business - 1929-01

January 1929


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

God! So the saved and sanctified soul becomes the most wonderful of all in­ struments of vision ; it reaches infinitely farther than the greatest of telescopes for none of these ever went beyond stars to the Creator! It penetrates more profoundly than the most powerful mi­ croscope, for it sees the deep things of God. It reveals the nature of its object more fully than the spectroscope which shows iron and gold in farthest stars, for it manifests the Almighty Power, the in­ finite wisdom, the absolute holiness and righteousness, the glory and love and pa­ tience of God ! do wish to believe in Christ,” says Rev. R. C. Reed. “Destroy my faith in Christ, and you make me an orphan in the uni- versé* and spread a pall of impenetrable darkness over the future. This is purely a question between Mr. Ingersoll and Christ. Mr. Ingersoll knew as much about the matter as any man who rejects Christ. Did he know as much as Christ? Every man is at liberty to follow either. Some have the remarkable faculty of being able to follow both, swapping from one to the other as inclination prompts. I must choose one for the whole journey, and I prefer to follow Christ. If I believe what He says about the Father’s house of many mansions, I must also believe what He says about the place prepared for the devil and his angels. Terrible as is this doctrine of endless torment, I will not let it drive me away from Jesus. I will cleave to Him till some one comes and persuades me that he stands nearer to God and knows more about that which lies beyond the grave.” ■ Indestructibility “The Scriptural doctrine of the resur­ rection,” says Dr. J. T. Davidson, “invests this physical frame of mine with an in­ finite dignity and importance. Death is its temporary dissolution, not its destruction. With what magnitude of interest and im­ portance does this invest these corporeal frames of ours! It confers upon them an awful indestructibility, at the thought of which even the perpetuity of mountains, of suns and stars, becomes as nothing. You have a bodily as well as a spiritual immortality. These bodies shall claim a half of your individuality to all eternity. Can you, then, make them the instruments of sin, or defile them by unholy lusts? Must you not guard with utmost care the imperishable temple of the soul?” Why Believe In Hell? W HY should I believe in hell if I do not wish to? “Simply because I

I saw an auctioneer holding up a grand picture so that all could see it; and when he got it in position he stayed behind' it, and said to the crowd, “Now look at this side of the picture, and now at that side,” and so on, describing each part of it. ‘Now,’ said this good man, ‘the whole time I never saw the speaker; it was just the picture he was showing’; and turning to us, he said, ‘That is the way to work for Christ.’” A Broken Body . From a leaflet, “A Broken Body Does Not Mean a Broken Life,” written by William K. Hope, a bedridden child of God, we cull this' helpful paragraph: “Never forget that you may be drawing more on Christ to keep sweet and pa­ tient and faithful where you are, than you would be by taking hold of Him for healing. The saving power of the Lord Jesus is great; but His ‘keeping’ power is wonderful, just wonderful. He does not always remove circumstances, or take us out of existing conditions: but if we look right up to Him, He does lift us above them.” “What if our life on earth is not like Eden? ’Tis not our home, but just a term at school; Where, though it seems to us sometimes confusing, Infinite love and power and wisdom rule,” Discontent—Two Kinds Henry Ward Beecher gave the follow­ ing: “Discontent may be a very good thing, or a very bad. There is a discontent that is divine; that has its birth in the highest and purest inspiration that visits and stirs the soul. All the discontent which grows from dissatisfaction with present attain­ ments, or springs from a desire for higher usefulness, or that impels to the worthy achievement of an honorable name or place, is a noble discontent, and to be visited with blessings. But the dis­ content that comes from below—from a soul disgusted with its lot, and faithless to God and out of harmony with the ar­ rangements and operations of providence, is evil, and only evil continually. One tends to the development of a symmet­ rical, strong, and harmonious character; the other to an evil temper, and a com­ plaining spirit, and a rebellious heart. One is of heaven, the other of hell.” The “Theoscope” Dr. Roads tells of a minister who called “the pure heart” of Christ’s Beatitude a “theoscope,” the way to see

35,000 Bibles Already Printed in Russia W E A R E NOW R EA D Y TO PRINT MORE BIBLES H aving distributed in R U SSIA and SIB E R IA the 35,000 Bibles which we recently printed in Leningrad, and 25,000 New T estam en ts. “T R IUM PH S O F T H E ° G O SPE L IN R U SSIA ” (B y Rev. I. S. Prokhanoff) S trik in g News 14 Illu strations Sen t free on request if you will PR A Y and LA BO R w ith us. 'y-r—O-1-* Our Am erican offices are located a t 156 F IF T H A V EN U E N EW Y O R K C ITY Alwyn B all, Jr ., Am erican T reasu rer Norm an J . Sm ith, Am erican Secretary Joh n Joh n son, R u ssian Secretary Send all com m unications and g ifts and m ake Uur new address: No. 207 N. Wells St. SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH T his is being done in A frica, China, India, by N ative Evangelists and B ib le W om en who are being supported for from 8 0 c to $2..00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. W rite R ev, H. A. B arton , Secy., B ox B , 4 73 G reen A ve., Brooklyn, N. Y ., for free literatu re. c o t Your Church Organization GOTTSCHALK’S METAL SPONGE Res. US. PAT. OFF. "TheM odem Dish Cloth? «—WRITE FOR FULL INFORMATION— METAL SPONGE SALES CO R PO R A TIO N DEPT A LEHIGH AND MASCHER STREETS . . . PHlLft/. ' B E U ’E E EVERY CHURCH should use.l Catalog Free. LOW PRICES.! Collection and Bread Plates ! Tray and 36 Cups, $6.60 up.1 Thomas Communion ServiceCo. Box 542 ,Llma, 0 . jTriEBigsia a s« Any church, school or class can publish a parish paper by using our co-operative plan. A parish paper fills empty pews, keeps community informed, speeds up church work, Free Samples and Particulars. Our plan provides a paper for your church without cost to you. The National Religious Press Grand Rapids, Mich. “THESANITARY”S CUPS Convenient, Noiseless and Sanitary r _ B I O P R O F I T S . all checks, payable to THE ALL-RUSSIAN EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN UNION 156 F ifth A ve., Room 411 K , New Y o rk City

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