King's Business - 1929-01


January 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

F ebr u a r y 3, 1929

Text: Gal. 5:1


“Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made you free.” Keep on looking to Him above. Only the truth can make one free (Jn. 8:32, 36), and Christ is the embodiment of the truth (Jn. 14:6). He who receives the Son is by the Spirit of the Son delivered from that slavish spirit which looks upon God as a taskmaster who must be won over by our own efforts. On the other hand, it is a serious mistake to make it mean that under grace nothing is required of us. We have the laws of God,;not by which to obtain life, but in Christ we have life which should enable us to fulfil His law. Let us not, however, so think of our own works as to become entangled again in a yoke |of bondage. We are not to be occupied with our doings, but with Him who by His own doing has set us free to serve Him.!

HelpfuLInstructive.. Inspiring

F ebruary 4, 1929


Text: Gal. 5:4

Paul is not dealing here with loss of salvation, but with defection of doctrine. Falling from grace does not mean what many have endeavored to make it mean—the falling out of salvation, or spiritual unbirth. According to the context, a believer who is trying to live under law is fallen away from grace. ; Some say, “If you stop working you’ll fall from grace.” Paul says, “If you begin to depend upon works to help save you, you have fallen away from the doctrine of grace.” It cannot be made too plain that falling back on any part of the law means the exclusion of grace, for grace means absolutely un­ merited favor. If salvation depends mainly upon our own works to the end of our lives, we need not speak of grace at all.

G o d ’s Best S ecrets By A ndrew M urray A m igh ty b ook, b y a m igh ty m an o f God. It shou ld be on the ta b le in every C hristian hom e for d a i l y reading— it never grow s sta le nor lo ses its rare charm . M any con sid er it th e b e st b ook ever w ritten by A ndrew M urray and th is is a new and enlarged ed ition. The b ook com p rises tw elv e se c ­ tion s— each con tain in g 3 1 one- p age ch ap ters— a p age for ev ery d ay—- t o p r o v i d e a n ev er-fa ilin g source of in sp ira ­ tion , co m fo rt and help to the reader th rou gh ou t th e en tire year. Cloth $2.50

Jesus, th e P ro p h e t, P riest, K ing By Dr. R. A. Torrey

In th e co n ten ts o f th is book you w ill find a fea st for you r soul a s w ell a s a p ictu re of our L ord Jesu s C hrist th a t is ex ­ cep tio n a lly b e a u t i f u l and unique. In th is series o f ser­ m on s Dr. T orrey g iv es the C hristian fresh in sp iration and a d esire for holier livin g. Paper 50 cents; Cloth 75 cents

F ebruary 5, 1929


Text : Gal. 5 :5

Through the Spirit, we wait for (not work for ) the hope of righteousness by faith. Our salvation was begun in faith, and it will be completed by faith. The Holy Spirit undertook the work, and what He has begun, He will finish (Phil. 1:6). As children of God, we are working, but working because we have salvation, not in order to obtain it or complete it. Faith rests in what has already been done by God for us. Hope runs forward to our Lord’s second coming, when the work will be consummated and the robes of perfect righteousness will be given.

“I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus’ name. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand.”

T h e D ivine U n ity o f S crip tu re

P erp lex in g Passages in th e F o u r G ospels By K eith L. Brooks A book, o f in estim a b le help to B ible stu d en ts. C om piled from m any com m en taries and con tain in g' sim p le exp lan ation s o f n early 600 p erplexing p a s­ sa g es in th e G ospels. E very preacher, teach er and stu d en t shou ld ow n a cop y. Paper $1.00; Cloth $1.50

By Dr. Adolph Saphir illum in atin g su rv ey o f th e tw o great d iv i­ sio n s o f th e Bible— v iew s o f a m a ster Jew ish m ind w hich b rin g ou t the deep m ean in g of th e sym b ols and p rop hecies o f th e Old T estam en t, a s w ell a s th e n arratives and sa y in g s of th e N ew . Paper $1.25; Cloth $2.00 A n in ten sely

F ebruary 6, 1929

Text: Gal. 5:16


"Walk around under the control of the Holy Spirit, and you will not be fulfilling the desires of the flesh.” This is the secret of Christian victory. _John Foster said: “This soul of mine must rule this body of mine or quit it.” But the Christian life is in a much higher sphere than that. A soulish life is not a life pleasing to God. Our spirits, when controlled by the Holy Spirit, will guide us aright. Victory is by no power of ours. It is not a question of prohibitions. Appetites are not killed by starvation. We disdain the flesh when we live in another realm altogether. The only way to accomplish this is to yield our­ selves —spirit, soul and body—to the Holy Spirit’s control.

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