King's Business - 1929-01

January 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


Dr. Millard considers himself a Fundamentalist. He says: “In a large and generous sense I am a Fundamentalist. But there!are certain extrerhists who would confine the Infinite God within the confines of a book, and who hold- that God limited the revelation of Himself to the land of Palestine.” We take this to mean that he accepts the great essential doctrines of Scripture. We would not say that a man is not a Fundamentalist because he does not accept our par­ ticular view as to the method of divine inspiration, but we do believe that when one does not consider the Bible the only infallible rule of faith and practice, he has left the door wide open to all manner of error and confusion. Mrs. Eddy, Pastor Russell, Annie Besant and a hundred others rush in with their conflicting teachings, claiming continuous inspiration. Quack Psychologists T HOUSANDS of people are talking psychology today. Business men and salesmen are not considered equipped unless they are schooled in ways to take advan­ tage of the laws that have to do with the working of human minds. Skeptics endeavor to explain religion on the basis of psychology. Scores of fakers rake in shining dollars by putting a “Professor” before their names, announcing themselves as advisers who can enable people to overcome their mental and vocational ills through the newly discovered laws of psychology. Christian teachers who know, from their Bible, the difference between divine psychology, or spiritual tact, and the dangers of dabbling with “personal magnetism,” “will power,” “psychic forces,” “the subconscious mind,” etc.,

have long been warning people. Now it appears that some educationalists are waking up to the danger and are send­ ing out the warning. What the psycho-educational clinic of Harvard Uni­ versity calls “a new sort of bad fairy” is abroad in the land. The faculty of that institution are asked to warn all students against the practices of men who are but half- informed concerning scientific psychological principles. These men are proving a detriment to the mental health of thousands of people, and there is just enough truth and falsity in their teachings to make them dangerous. Most of the modern teachings of psychology are purely of the flesh. People are taught principles which they must employ at the expense of common honesty and decency. They learn how to take advantage of their fellow men, force them into any decision desired, and even how to control the opposite sex through the feelings and pas­ sions. It is plain crookedness, and those who practice these methods have forgotten the fundamental law that what a man sows that shall he also reap. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked As a result of these practices in the business world, there has been stirred up an unnatural demand for prac­ tically everything, and political economists are predicting the crash that must soon come. It is claimed that our mooted prosperity is 75 per cent forced. An abnormal demand for luxuries has been created, and millions of people have been tricked into buying things for which they cannot pay. Manifestly there will be a limit and financial disaster will have to call a halt. The Christian is wise if he seeks his knowledge of mental action in the Scriptures. There you will find the psychology which has the divine approval. It begins with a consecrated life and makes one depend upon the Holy Spirit for leading. It teaches one to win his battles


New Time Time is a treasure; How shall we use it? We can make useful, Or can abuse it! Only the Giver Can make our hearts wise, Teaching us daily The New Time to prize.

By • • • • William Olney

Time is a treasure,

So view it, my soul! Keep all its spending ’Neath watchful control: Employ each moment In God’s holy fear, And He will ensure thee A happy New Year.

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