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1. The article is the transcription from MOPI-MIGHT discussions on pandemic future preparedness on 12 June 2023 2. MOPI Representatives: • Billy S. Urudra • Peter Rayar Sowrimuthu • Yeow Lian Lai • Sharvin A. Subramaniam 3. Elkhatib, W. F., Abdelkareem, S. S., Khalaf, W. S., Elfadil, D., Alhazmi, A., El-batal, A. I., & El-Sayyad, G. (2022, Oct 24). Narrative review on century of respiratory pandemics from Spanish flu to • COVID-19 and impact of nanotechnology on COVID-19 diagnosis and immune system boosting. Retrieved from Virology • Journal: https://virologyj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12985-022-01902-2 4. Kalmey, O. B. (2023). The level of countries’ preparedness to health risks during COVID-19 and pre-pandemic: the differential response to health systems building blocks and socioeconomic HEALTHCARE
Malaysian Technology Strategic Outlook 2023/2024 Energy, Healthcare & Space Industry
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