TECHNOLOGY TREND 4: TRANSPORTATION Flying cars are one of the transportation modes of the future, powered by sustainable or green fuels. The world’s first fully electric flying car was certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). It can also travel on land at a low speed of 25 mph. Autonomous vehicles are also seen as the technology driving the future transportation industry. Besides cars, we will witness hyper-fast trains, boom-free supersonic flights, space travel and colonisation of other planets, and driverless commercial vehicles.
Advanced air mobility (AAM) is believed to be the safe, affordable, and sustainable way to travel in the future. Will it be commonplace by 2030 as one air mobility company, Lilium, believes it to be? With the right combination of policy and infrastructure to support the technology (the manufacturing of the vehicle and what fuels it), there is no reason not to believe that we will be driving/flying one by then. Travelling by train will also be revolutionised if hyperloop technology becomes a reality. It is a super- speed ground-level vacuum tube transportation system where we can travel in a hovering pod at speeds reaching 1,220 kmh, which is just a little shy of the speed of sound.
All the technological advancements in transportation are not about vehicles only. They must be supported by intelligent infrastructure, structured traffic zones, and workable policies. As human habitats converge into smart cities, demand for fast, safe, efficient, and environmental- friendly modes of transport would naturally rise.
Space exploration is seen to be more vital now than ever before as the Earth’s situation is becoming more and more precarious. The following are the areas that can and will be delved into:
Weather prediction, solar cells, UV filters and biomedical experiments can be conducted in space
Safeguarding the solar system from asteroids etc.
Potential colonisation of other bodies in the solar system to survive Earth
Potential experiences include space stations, the moon, other planets, asteroids
MOON 2024
Potential mining of rare minerals on asteroids
Continuous and expanded exploration of the universe
Landing on the lunar south pole by NASA
Landing on the lunar south pole by NASA
It was observed in 2021 that more change had occurred in the previous six years compared to the last 60 years . Mobility hubs will become more common, supported by high-speed telecommunications for commuters whilst adhering to sustainability and environmental-friendliness in solutions.
Malaysian Technology Strategic Outlook 2023/2024 Energy, Healthcare & Space Industry 24
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