out of 189 countries
Human Development Index 2021 • The Human Development Index (HDI) measures a country’s average achievement in key dimensions of human development: A long and healthy life, being knowledgeable, and having a decent standard of living. The index is released by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and has been published from 1990 until 2020. • The main objective of HDI is to provide a simple measure of human progress which is built around people’s freedoms to live the lives they want by assessing a population’s average longevity, education, and income. • Malaysia’s HDI Index score improved by 26% from 0.643 to 0.810 between 1990 and 2019, while the score increased by 0.62% from 0.805 to 0.810 in 2019 compared to 2018. Malaysia was ranked 62 out of 189 nations and territories in the very high human development category.
78 33 out of 166 countries
out of 63 countries
World Talent Ranking 2022 •
SDG Index 2022 • The Sustainable
According to the 2023 IMD World Talent Ranking (WTR), Switzerland maintained its top spot, Luxembourg moved up to second place, and Iceland retained the third spot. As for Asia countries, Malaysia remained in 33 rd place globally while Singapore ranked first.
Development Report (SDR) is a global assessment of countries’ progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Malaysia ranked 78 th globally based on the SDG Report 2023.
36 out of 132 countries
out of 150 countries
out of 64 countries
Malaysia’s Competitiveness Index 2023 • The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY), first published in 1989, is a comprehensive annual report and worldwide reference point on the competitiveness of countries which it analyses. It ranks countries according to how they manage their competencies to achieve long-term value creation in terms of political, economic, and social dimensions. • Malaysia ranked 27 th for competitive economies according to the 2023 IMD World Competitiveness Ranking (WCR) due to the high inflation rates. • Malaysia needs reliable domestic energy production, strong supply networks, and beneficial trade balances to maintain or increase levels of prosperity and to improve the ranking.
Global Innovation Index 2022 • According to the report, Malaysia was the third most innovative country after China and Bulgaria. • As for ASEAN countries, Malaysia remained in second place after Singapore. • In addition, Malaysia was in the first position for two indicators, namely high- tech exports and creative goods exports.
World Happiness Index 2023 • Malaysia was ranked 79 th on the World Happiness Index 2023 Report with a score of 5.384, ahead of Indonesia and China. •
Published by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, the report draws on global survey data from people in more than 150 countries. Countries are ranked on happiness based on their average life evaluations over the three preceding years, in this case 2020 to 2022.
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