Q3 2020 Open Forum Agenda

Gaurav Karandikar, MS

SERC Reliability Corporation Manager, RAPA & TS Gaurav Karandikar is the Manager, Reliability Assessment, Performance Analysis, and Technical Services with SERC Reliability Corporation. Mr. Karandikar has been with SERC for more than four years. The reliability assessment, performance analysis, and technical services group is responsible for providing value- added services to the SERC entities by engaging in a collaborative environment through various technical committees and their subgroups. Mr. Karandikar has over twenty years of industry experience with Siemens PTI, Ameren Services, and Alstom. Mr. Karandikar has a Master’s of Science in Electrical Engineering with a concentration in Power Systems from Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri. Mr. Karandikar has a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Malviya National Institute of Technology, India. In addition, Gaurav is a senior member of IEEE and has a Leadership Certificate from Cornell University.

Agenda WebEx Logon 2020 Outreach

Antitrust Guidelines Confidentiality Policy Standards of Conduct Acronyms Questions for SERC Registered Entity Forum Speaker Bios


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