

as water consumption rates. The yearly sewer fixed rate will have an eight per cent increase to $325, the fixed annual rate for water will increase to $289, increasing five per cent from the year before, and the water consumption rates will increase by three per cent, totalling $3.16 per cubic metre. Firefighting and their emergency response capabilities was a major focus of the budget. Firefighters will receive a salary increase after the volume of emergency responses increased 18 per cent since 2022. A total of $97,105 will be made available for salaries across both stations. The budget also allo- cates $12,500 for the purchase of Automatic &YUFSOBM%FàCSJMMBUPSTGPSUIFGSPOUMJOFàSF vehicles. To keep an eye on the future and feasibility

of the fire station and responses, $30,000 will go towards a fire station and response study. Lastly, $20,000 will be given to start a rebranding of the fire services, making the fire services total operational budget $2,197,779. Revenues for 2024 are expected to be $42,329,067 coming from the tax levy levy, supplementary taxes, payments in lieu of taxes, water billings, sewer billings, reve- nues from specific functions, garbage and recycling levy, reserve contributions, deferred revenues, grants and subsidies, according to the budget documents. The total operational expenses are expec- ted to be $42,304,067 with zero general surplus or deficit.

Le Conseil de Russell augmente les taxes de 4 % et augmente les tarifs fixes de l’eau et des eaux usées, ainsi que les tarifs de la consommation d’eau dans le budget approuvé pour 2024. - photo d’archives


amounts to a $88.17 increase in annual taxes. The new budget expects the Township will increase its tax levy by an additional $1.2 million, $572,252 of which is expected to come from additional growth of new revenue, and $685,901 will be generated from the taxation increase. To help the growth of the community, the Township will set aside one per cent of the increase to help finance the future recreation complex. The 2024 budget also includes increases to the water and wastewater rates, as well

Russell Township municipal council voted on the township’s finalized 2024 budget, approving a four per cent tax rate increase for the coming year. During the 2024 budget meeting, a major focus of the discussion was on financial implications to residents, mainly on how the increased tax rate will be used to benefit the taxpayers. 8JUIBOBWFSBHFIPVTFIPMEBTTFTTNFOU value of $350,000, a four per cent increases


The annual “Stuff-a-Cruiser” event raised approximately $1,000 in food, toy, and cash donations for the Casselman Food Bank. — supplied photo


en argent, des jouets et des aliments non périssables pendant quatre heures, dans le but de remplir complètement l’intérieur d’une voiture de patrouille de la PPO. Grâce à la générosité et au soutien de la communauté, la Police provinciale a recueilli plus de 800 $ en argent et des centaines de dollars en jouets, qui ont été versés directement à la banque alimentaire de Casselman. La PPO a également remercié Canadian Tire de lui avoir permis d’utiliser ses installations.

La Police provinciale de l’Ontario (PPO) a tenu son événement annuel Stuff-A- Cruiser le 9 décembre, au Canadian Tire de Casselman, où ils ont collecté environ 1 000 $ en nourriture, jouets et dons en espèces pour la banque alimentaire de Casselman. Les membres de l’Unité auxiliaire de la PPO du comté de Russell, ainsi qu’un groupe de bénévoles, ont recueilli des dons

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