
" $ 5 6 " - * 5 4  r  / & 8 4 WHAT IS CLOSED NOW THANKS TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC?


until the pandemic situation changes. Hospitals )BXLFTCVSZBOE%JTUSJDU(FOFSBM)PTQJUBM )() BOE8JODIFTUFS%JTUSJDU.FNPSJBM)PT - QJUBM 8%.) CPUISFHJPOBMIPTQJUBMTTFSWJOH residents at either end of Prescott-Russell, have adopted similar limited access guide- lines for both patients and visitors to their GBDJMJUJFT GPMMPXJOH&0)6SFDPNNFOEBUJPOT Screening procedures are in effect at both hospitals for new patients, to identify those that might have the Covid-19 virus. The screening procedure includes questions about the patient’s past travel history, inclu- ding any recent trips to China or Southeast Asia, Japan, Iran or Italy, or close contact with someone who has been to any of those areas; signs of any symptoms like fever, shortness of breath, or a worsening cough, DPOUBDUXJUITPNFPOFXIPJTBDPOàSNFE or suspected Covid-19 case. Visiting restrictions are now in effect. Anyone who feels sick is asked not to visit family or friends who are in the hospital GPSUSFBUNFOU8%.)JTSFTUSJDUJOHQBUJFOU access to one visitor at a time, except in cases of compassionate reasons. Clarence-Rockland Health 5IF$MBSFODF3PDLMBOE)FBMUI5FBNIBT sent out emails to its clientele to tell them that the clinic is not able to test for Covid-19. Clarence-Rockland residents can go to the 0UUBXB1VCMJD)FBMUIT$PWJEBTTFTTNFOU DFOUSFBUUIF#SFXFS"SFOB #SFXFS8BZ  JO0UUBXB5IFUFTUJOHDFOUSFJTGPSUIPTF who have returned from recent travel abroad and show symptoms of Covid-19, or who may have had recent contact with someone diagnosed with Covid-19. Anyone who meets those criteria can call 613-446-7677 and speak to a nurse who will evaluate their symptoms over the phone to decide if they need to see a doctor or should go to the Brewer Arena testing centre. PR Residence Public access is now restricted at the Prescott-Russell Residence, following a EJSFDUJWFGSPNUIF0OUBSJP$IJFG.FEJDBM 0GàDFSPG)FBMUI5IFCFEMPOHUFSN DBSFGBDJMJUZ MPDBUFEJO)BXLFTCVSZ JTIPNF to seniors from all over Prescott-Russell. The provincial directive urges access to

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting day-to-day operations for all municipalities in the Prescott-Russell region. Public service and recreation facilities throughout the region are either shutting down or setting access restrictions as part of local efforts to curb the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus, which causes Covid-19, a viral disease that has flu-like symptoms. 4JODFUIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJUDPOàS - NFEBOBDUVBMDBTFPG$PWJEJO&BTUFSO 0OUBSJP PVUTJEFPGUIF0UUBXBBSFB NVOJ - cipalities, local health agencies, and others have adjusted their public access policies &/#3&'r#3*&'4 SERVICE D’ÉGOUTS Les résidents du canton d’Alfred- Plantagenet paieront un peu plus cher pour le service d’évacuation des eaux usées cette année. Le conseil municipal a approuvé de nouveaux tarifs pour le service d’égouts dans le cadre du budget 2020, le 18 février. Les augmentations combinées du taux de base d’approvisionnement et du taux de consommation équivalent à une augmentation moyenne de 8$ pour les résidents d’Alfred sur le réseau d’égout municipal, de 10,40$ pour les résidents de Plantagenet et de 17,60$ pour les résidents de Wendover. Ces changements ne s’appliquent pas aux propriétaires de logements équipés de fosses septiques.– Gregg Chamberlain COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT Matthieu Dabrowski will occupy one of three vacant seats on Clarence- Rockland council’s environmental advisory committee. Council confirmed Dabrowski’s appointment during its March 2 regular session with the appointment to take effect with the committee’s first meeting.– Gregg Chamberlain

La pandémie de Covid-19 oblige soit à limiter l’accès du public, soit à fermer temporairement les installations municipales et communautaires. Les résidents sont invités à consulter les sites web municipaux pour obtenir des informations en continuant à respecter les pratiques d’hygiène de base. —photo fournie

the Residence limited to “essential visitors” until further notice for the safety and well- CFJOHPGUIFTFOJPSSFTJEFOUTi&TTFOUJBM visitors” include those who visit residents who are very ill or need hospice care. All visitors must submit to a screening proce- dure and will not be allowed in if they do not pass the procedure. Visitor access is limited to one visitor per resident at the same time. Family members are asked to use the phone, social media messaging, Skype, or other methods to talk with their relatives at the Residence. Facility staff and hospice service provi- ders have access to the building. Residence administration will re-evaluate the access restriction policy as it monitors changes in the Covid-19 situation. School Districts "MMQVCMJDMZGVOEFETDIPPMTJO0OUBSJPBSF closed for an extra two weeks following the BOOVBM.BSDI4QSJOH#SFBL5IFQSPWJODJBM government announced the extended school DMPTVSF .BSDI BTQBSUPGBQSPWJODJBM $PWJEDPOUBJONFOUQPMJDZ#PUI&OHMJTI and French in both public and Catholic school districts will remain closed until April 5. UCPR The United Counties of Prescott and Rus- TFMM 6$13 JTSFTUSJDUJOHBDDFTTUPJUTNBJO PGàDFJO-0SJHOBM1VCMJDBDDFTTJTMJNJUFEUP urgent cases and Prescott-Russell residents are asked to phone ahead to determine if their situation meets the criteria or if they need to make alternative arrangements to deal with their concern. Anyone allowed access must use a speci- àDFOUSBODFBUUIF-0SJHOBMPGàDFBOEUIFZ will have to go through a screening procedure when they enter. This procedure applies to both visitors and UCPR employees. "MM&BSMZ0/$IJMEBOE'BNJMZ$FOUSFQSP - grams provided through the UCPR social service department are cancelled until fur- UIFSOPUJDF5IF3PDLMBOE&BSMZ0/$FOUSF QMBZSPPNJTDMPTFEBTPG.BSDIVOUJM further notice. Court For all provincial court matters, residents are advised to go to https://www.ontario- for advice on how to proceed, or consult with their lawyer, the $SPXODPVOTFMTPGàDF PSDBMMUIFQSPWJODJBM DPVSUSFHJTUSZPGàDFJO-0SJHOBM Municipalities 0QFSBUJPOPGNVOJDJQBMPGàDFTBOEPUIFS facilities, in response to the Covid-19

situation, varies from municipality to muni- cipality in Prescott-Russell. All municipalities are adjusting their operations to maintain basic and essential services for residents. &NFSHFODZTFSWJDFDBMMTUISPVHIBSF still available. Alfred-Plantagenet Township is restricting QVCMJDBDDFTTUPJUTNVOJDJQBMPGàDF4UBGGXJMM be inside to deal with residents’ questions and complaints by phone or email. Payment of property taxes and other fees is possible by online banking, Canada Post, or using the secure exterior drop box at the municipal PGàDFJO1MBOUBHFOFU%PHPXOFSTDBOSFOFX their tags through the online form on the township website or phone the municipal PGàDF All of the township’s public libraries are closed until further notice. Use the drop boxes for any books which are due. "TPG.BSDI UIF3PDLMBOENVOJDJQBM PGàDFGPSUIF$JUZPG$MBSFODF3PDLMBOEXBT still open to the public though residents are urged to phone for help with any problems or concerns unless they are urgent in nature. Phone also for information on online payment or other options for property taxes and other fees. The Clarence-Rockland Recreation and $VMUVSBM$PNQMFY XIJDIJODMVEFTUIF:.$" and Rockland Public Library, is closed as is the Bourget Public Library. The Clarence Creek Arena and all community halls in Clarence-Rockland are closed. The Clarence- Rockland Arena is closed to the public but access is allowed for students and staff at UIF$BOBEJBO*OUFSOBUJPOBM)PDLFZ"DBEFNZ for hockey skills instruction, training, and practice. The Clarence-Rockland municipal day- DBSFJTDMPTFEVOUJMGVSUIFSOPUJDF.BZPS (VZ%FTKBSEJOTDPOàSNFEEVSJOHBQIPOF interview Sunday, that council will consult with staff to work a reimbursement plan for parents who have paid in advance for daycare service at the facility. Job Fair The Centre de services à l’emploi &NQMPZNFOU4FSWJDFT$FOUSF $4&4$ IBT DBODFMMFEUIF.BSDI&NQMPZNFOUBOE 4LJMMT%FWFMPQNFOU'BJSBU"MGSFE$PMMFHF 5IF$4&4$JTMPPLJOHJOUPDPNQFOTBUJPO for exhibitors, suppliers, and partners. The $4&4$PGàDFJTBMTPDMPTFEGPSUIFEVSBUJPO  but staff will be available by phone, email, and teleconference to deal with clients’ needs regarding employment.

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