CCI-Review - 2019/2020 #4

...President ’ s Message

ducted through video conferencing from homes and offices across the nation. There are a multi- tude of platforms available. Some are free and some not. Perhaps, most notable are Zoom Meet- ing, Teams, GoToMeeting, Skype for Business, but there are certainly more of them. Time will tell whether online or face-to-face is the preferred method of transacting business. Our first venture into an online seminar happened on May 26 th for the “There are no stupid ques- tions!” seminar. Feedback was quite positive and we were so grateful to our presenters and to all the participants. Corporation directors continue to carry out their responsibilities with online meetings with their managers and others who provide services to the properties. Engineer, contractors and more can be present at meetings that affect us all. Feel free to share your feelings on the subject of online meetings with us. Send an email, tell us what method of connecting you are using and your comments, positive or otherwise, to the ad- ministrator at Families and friends are keeping connected online too. They may be using other online platforms such as FaceTime, Skype, Snapchat and others. These connections are very important for all of us as more than ever before families are spread out across the nation and even the world. As it may be some time before get-togethers can be organized, this seems the best way to keep linked. We ALL still need to do our part to beat COVID-

As we all watch the marches across the world, or perhaps even attended one locally, a primary con- cern for the medical and scientific world was relat- ed to the spread of COVID-19. As a matter of fact, you may have noticed and voiced concern about the manner folks were wearing (or not) their masks. If so, you might find it useful to view the transcript and a described video about COVID-19: How to wear a non-medical mask or face cov- ering properly to confirm that you and your fami- ly are wearing masks properly. Share it with all of your family and friends in the community before you start going out to those establishments that are opening. Safety first. Another facet of all that COVID-19 is our mental health. These uncertain times are bound to create a measure of stress and anxiety, whether or not we are cognizant of it. As strong as we think we are, there is a measure of distress that we are all trying to manage. It’s important that we tend to that part of our well-being by getting assistance from trust- ed sources. We all need some positive reinforce- ment to get through the isolation. To help, engage in positive enforcement activities, those that bring you joy – art, books, dancing, exercise and of course, music to name a few. Assistance can also be found through the Middlesex London Health Unit. There is help out there for everyone. Do

reach out to touch some- one who can help - your medical professional, family and friends. Re- search has shown that

19. As the province con- tinues with reopening of business, the Public

inspiration from the act of kindness can create less depression, a greater calm, fewer pains and better health. Therefore acts of kindness can help with your well- being and certainly ease another’s men- tal state. We have also spread our wings to learn and adapt to new technologies. In-person meetings have become online meetings. We can take comfort in being able to see those participating on our screens; however, there is an adjustment to be made. During these past months, it has been ben- eficial for the safety we need in our communities and to those who serve. CCI continues to provide valuable education to us all. Chapters from across the province have shared the generosity of their community volunteers via webinars. We are most appreciative for their on- going support and good will. Remote business meetings are now being con-

Health Agency of Canada stress the need for go- ing “out smart”. COVID - 19 doesn’t go away un- less we all do our part and keep doing it. Stay home if you can, practice physical distancing, wash your hands frequently with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds; avoid touching high touch surfaces and objects that could be contami- nated; and cover your coughs and sneezes with tissues or your sleeve, wear a non-medical mask when you are out – it shows that you respect and care for others. Stay in if you have symptoms, even if mild, and contact

the local public health authority for their ad- vice. Be well, stay safe.

- Stefan Nespoli, President

2 — 2019/2020 - 4

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