CCI-Review - 2019/2020 #4

Before you go any further...

The information and opinions contained in this publication are brief sum- maries of complex topics provided by the authors. The Chapter is without liability whatsoever. Readers should always obtain expert advice on their specific situations. For membership and/or advertising information, visit our website or con- tact the Administrator directly. Advertisements in this publication do not reflect an endorsement by CCI of any company or product. Members are encouraged to compare rates and ask for references when contracting for goods and services.

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1. Notice is given to the CCI -London & Area Chapter in writing to; and

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• “Reprinted from the CCI Review London & Area Chapter, [Year: Issue] All rights reserved”, and;

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Chapter Communiqué - by Trish Kaplan, Administrator

Coming Soon...

to the depths of our patience. Wash hands often, physical distance, wear a mask, avoid touching face, cover your face when coughing or sneezing and stay home when you are sick are your personal assignments and priori- ties. Testing, tracing, isolation and quarantine are all the steps we must also be familiar with in the event we are in contact with someone who tests positive or has symptoms. “Stay Home” and “Stay Safe” is our mantra now and for however long it takes. Companies designated as es- sential services continued to service the community these past months. They made considerable safety ad- justments to the way in which they implement their services to protect their employees and their clients. More often than not, they also in- curred substantial cost to do so. This virus was a wakeup call on so many fronts. It is astounding to be

A video series is being created to share condo- minium topics with you by professionals who serve in our communities. They will be expanded over time. Notification of online availability will be sent to the members through an Email Com- muniqué.

Flowering trees, a very welcome sight, are often the first real sign of spring. It was conceivably even more so this year because many of us were staying and/or working at home. We were able to enjoy them from our windows. Hopefully, you are all able to enjoy the sunshine we’ve been having, while staying safe. It’s true, COVID -19 has taken over our lives. The first Canadian case was reported by Health Canada on Janu- ary 25 th , 2020 in Toronto. On March 11 th , the World Health Organization declared a pandemic. State of Emer- gency was declared for Ontario on March 17 th and in London on March 20 th . The urgency of the declaration was outlined and closures began shortly thereafter. Sadly, we are not done with it just yet, nor do we know how long we will be under the threat we are all exposed to. We must continue to dig

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