Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia

THE ONLY NEW SPORT From Bronx to Paris Breaking, better known colloquially as breakdancing, will bring New York street skills to the French capital BREAKING IS AN URBAN DANCE STYLE that originated in the U.S. back in the 1970s. With roots in hip-hop culture, it first took shape at the lively block parties of New York City’s Bronx borough and is characterised by acrobatic movements, stylised footwork and the key role played by the DJ and the MC. It is improvisational to a great ex- tent, with an emphasis placed on en- ergy, movement, creativity, humour ... The dance was conceived to convey the rough world of the city streets on which it emerged. It is also associated with a particular style of dress that in- cludes baggy pants or tracksuits, base- ball caps turned backwards and trainers. The term ‘break’ relates to the particu- lar rhythms and sounds that DJs pro- duced by mixing sounds from vinyl re- cords to produce a continuous dancing beat. This technique was pioneered by DJ Kool Herc (Clive Campbell), a NYC- based Jamaican DJ. This phenomenon gained popu- larity during the 1980s, through mu- sic videos and films, and it was then that the media began using the term “breakdance”. However, breakers nev- er add the “dance” suffix, because this term came from lay folk and not the hip-hop community. . And it was thanks to the insistence of France that it arrived in Paris. The Olympic breaking format envisages 16 “B-boys” and 16 “B-girls” facing off in spectacular solo battles under the lights of the Place de la Concorde. The break- er community has always been intimate and informal, so this will be the only sport in which the judges can perform for spectators. Judges will be able to show what they know in the “presenta- tion of the judges”, which will be held prior to the start of the competition.


Od Bronksa do Pariza Brejking, poznatiji kao brejkdens, donosi u francusku prestonicu ulično umeće Njujorka

BREJKING JE URBANI PLE- SNI STIL koji je nastao u Sjedinje- nim Američkim Državama sedam- desetih. Sa korenima u hip-hop kulturi, formirao se na žurkama u Bronksu, a karakterišu ga akro- batski pokreti, stilizovan rad no- gu i ključna uloga koju igraju di- džej i em-si (DJ i MC). To je u velikoj meri improvi- zacija, naglasak je na energiji, po- kretu, kreativnosti, humoru... Ples je smišljen da prenese grubi svet gradskih ulica sa kojih je ponikao. Takođe je povezan sa određenim stilom oblačenja koji uključuje ši- roke pantalone ili trenerke, naopa- ko okrenute bejzbol kape i patike. Termin „brejk“ se odnosi na po- sebne ritmove di-džejeva nastale mešanjem zvukova sa ploča kako bi se proizveo neprekidni plesni ritam. Tehniku je uveo „DJ Kool Herc“ (Klajv Kembel), jamajkan- ski di-džej u Njujorku koji je mik- sovao udaraljke sa dve iste ploče. Tokom osamdesetih ovaj feno- men je stekao popularnost muzič- kim spotovima i filmovima, kada su mediji počeli da koriste termin „brejkdens“. Međutim, brejkeri ni-

kada ne dodaju „ples“ na kraju, po- što je ovaj izraz došao od laika, a ne od hip-hop zajednice. U Pariz je ovaj ples stigao zahvaljujući insistiranju Francu- ske. Format olimpijskog takmi- čenja predviđa 16 „B-boys“ i 16 „B-girls“ koji će se suočiti u spek- takularnim solo bitkama pod sve- tlima Plas de la Konkord. Brejker- ska zajednica je oduvek bila bliska i neformalna, pa će ovo biti jedini sport gde sudije mogu da nastu- paju za gledaoce. Pre početka ta- kmičenja, u predstavljanju sudija, oni će moći da pokažu šta znaju.

Broj organizovanih takmičenja u ovoj igri stalno raste / The number of organised competitions in this dance are growing constantly

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