Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia

SAZNAJTE ZBOG ČEGA KLIJENTI IZ CELOG SVETA DOLAZE U DERMAVILLE FIND OUT WHY DO CLIENTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD COME TO DERMAVILLE Kako da letnje dane u Beogradu iskoristite na najbolji način? Posvetite ih sebi / How to utilise summer days in Belgrade in the best possible way? Dedicate them to yourself

POSETILI SMO „DERMAVILLE“, jed- nu od najprestižnijih estetskih ordi- nacija u Evropi. Specijalno za „Ele- vejt“, o najtraženijim tretmanima pre i posle sunčanja, kao i rezultati- ma koji su dugoročni jedino nakon ovih tretmana, pričaju nam doktor- ke Aleksandra Đorđević i Tamara To- dorović. U „DermaVille“ ordinaciji mo- žemo da pronađemo sve naj- prestižnije antiejdžing pro- cedure. Koja je tajna vašeg uspeha? – „DermaVille“ tim već deceni- ju s ljubavlju i pažnjom spajaju me- dicinsko znanje i umetnost lepote. Posvećeni smo pružanju personali- zovane nege za svakog klijenta, jer smatramo da svako lice nosi svo- ju priču i jedinstvenu lepotu koju želi- mo da istaknemo i očuvamo – priča nam doktorka Aleksandra i dodaje: – U „DermaVille“ ordinaciji ne samo da pratimo najnovije trendove u esteti- ci već ih i postavljamo. „DermaVille“ tim uvek je u potrazi za novim tehni- kama i tretmanima kako bismo kli- jentima pružili vrhunsku negu. Koji je najbolji način da kožu oporavimo da izgleda zdrava i jedra i nakon sunčanja i letnjih odmora? – Vašoj koži je neophodan kom- pleks vitamina, minerala, amino-ki-

selina, oligoelemenata, ali i hijalu- rona, a to se postiže kombinacijom tretmana. Dobro bi došla i biorevi- talizacija kao i PRP tretmani na bazi plazme koja se uzima iz vaše krvi, jer oni veoma brzo oporave kožu i vrate joj zdrav izgled i sjaj – ističe doktor- ka Tamara. – Od skin bustera, preko ra- diotalasnih aparata „Venus Lega- cy“, do popularnih filera i lipoliza, svi tretmani su veoma popular- ni tokom leta, pre i posle sunčanja i izvode se tako da istaknu i sačuva- ju prirodan izgled svakog klijenta. WE VISITED DERMAVILLE, one of the most prestigious aesthetic cli- nics in Europe. Here, especially for Elevate, doctors Aleksandra Đor- đević and Tamara Todorović tell us about the most sought-after pre- and post- tanning treatments, as well as results that are only long-la- sting after these treatments. We can find all the most pre- stigious antiaging procedu- res at the DermaVille clinic. What’s the secret of your su- ccess? “The DermaVille team has spent a full decade combining medical knowledge and the art of beauty wi- th love and care. We are dedicated

to providing personalised care for each individual client, because we consider each face as having its own story and unique beauty that we want to emphasise and preserve,” says Dr Aleksandra, adding: “At the DermaVille clinic, we don’t only mo- nitor the latest trends in aesthetics, rather we also set them. The Derma- ville team is always on the hunt for new techniques and treatments to provide clients with superior care.” What is the best way to resto- re a healthy and smooth look to the skin even after sunbat- hing and summer holidays? “It is essential for your skin to re- ceive a complex of vitamins, mine- rals, amino acids and oligoelements, but also hyaluronan, and this is ac- hieved through a combination of tre- atments. It would be good to rece- ive biorevitalisation, as well as PRP treatments based on plasma extra- cted from your blood, because they heal the skin very quickly and restore its healthy look and glow,” says Dr Ta- mara. “From skin boosters, via Venus Legacy radio wave devices, to popu- lar fillers and lipolysis, all treatments are very popular during the sum- mer, both before and after tanning, and are applied in such a way as to emphasise and preserve the natural appearance of each client.”

Za besplatne konsultacije posetite veb-sajt dermaville.rs ili pozovite 066 6303434 For free consultations, visit the website dermaville.rs or call 066 6303434

Lepota je u vama, mi je samo otkrivamo Beauty is within you, we just uncover it

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