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OLYMPIA IN THE PELOPONNESE Where the flame was first lit Located very close to Athens, the Peloponnese peninsula preserves traces of ancient Sparta and the famous Battle of Thermopylae, the memory of the first Olympic Games, Mycenae and Epidaurus, but also stunning beaches providing for complete enjoyment THE FIRST KNOWN OLYM- PIC GAMES TOOK PLACE IN THE SUMMER OF 776 BC in Olympia, a place in the Peloponnese where the people back then worshipped their gods and today enjoy a true tourist paradise. Of course, all those who come to this part of Greece, which is in close proximity to Athens, cer- tainly won’t miss out on the nu- merous cultural and historical sites located here, with Olympia mere- ly being the most interesting to us at this moment. That’s because it was from there that the Olympic flame once again started its journey this year, and it was there that the first Games were held in honour of Zeus, to whom a temple was built in that place and housed a world wonder. Yes, it was there that the Greek city states gath- ered and ceased all hostilities in or- der to test themselves against one another in various sports in the Games, in which women were not welcome to participate. Olympia is located in a moun- tainous region of the western part of the peninsula, nestled in lush co- niferous forests, between two riv- ers. It was among ancient Greece’s most important religious sanctuar-

Polovinom 5. veka p. n. e. ovde je podignut Zevsov hram u dorskom stilu The temple of Zeus was built here in the Doric style in the mid- 5 th century B.C.

ies. A sacred precinct dedicated to Zeus was created here early in the 7 th century B.C., and the Olympic Games began being held here not long after. The first buildings were erected at the beginning of the 6 th century B.C. and included the Tem- ple of Hera, the treasury and the first stadium. The temple of Zeus was built here in the Doric style of architecture in the mid-5 th century B.C. and represented the then larg- est edifice ever built in Olympia. Within the temple was a statue of the supreme god that was classed as one of the Wonders of the Ancient World. The statue was the work of Athenian sculptor Pheidias and was 13 metres tall... Next came the con- struction of a new large stadium, a hippodrome etc. Although the Romans took pow- er of the Peloponnese in the middle of the 2 nd century B.C., the Olympic Games continued to be organised in

Olympia and often even included the participation of Roman rulers themselves, until Emperor Theodosi- us abolished the Games in 393 A.D. Sprinting and wrestling continue to be part of the modern games, while some other sports, such as chariot racing, have naturally long been con- signed to history. The Games were revived in 1896, thanks to the ef- forts of Baron Pierre de Couber- tin, and were held in Athens, last- ing ten days. Given how overwhelming the multitude of historical facts, mu- seums and archaeology can some- times be, the Peloponnese also of- fers heavenly beaches, where you can allow all your impressions to set- tle in tranquillity, alongside a crys- tal-clear sea and the unparalleled delicacies of Greek cuisine. Among the warmest recommendations is certainly Simos beach on the island of Elafonissos...

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