Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia

Napulj Naples

The Serbian national airline flies to Naples twice a week, and from there you can reach the Amalfi coast in about an hour

Srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija leti do Napulja dva puta nedeljno, a odatle do Amalfi obale stižete za oko sat vremena

Božanska obala Obala Amalfi nalazi se oko 60 kilome- tara od Napulja u južnoj Italiji sa pogle- dom na Tirensko more, južno od Soren- tinskog poluostrva. Prirodne lepote i slikoviti pejzaži učini- li su je jednom od najpopularnijih desti- nacija svetskog džet seta, zbog čega je dobila nadimak Božanska obala (Divina costiera). Unesko je smatra izvanred- nim primerom mediteranskog pejzaža i jednom od najupečatljivijih destinaci- ja u Italiji. Ovde planine strmoglavo ura- njaju u more, a te litice kao cvetovi kra- se šarena naselja i zelene šume. Proslavljena širom sveta zbog svog mediteranskog pejzaža i prirodne ra- znolikosti, obala je dobila ime po gra- du Amalfi, koji čini njegov glavni istorij- ski i politički centar. Veoma popularna destinacija za Evropljane više klase u 18. veku. Letom Er Srbije do Napu- lja sve čari Amalfi obale pružaju se kao na dlanu. DIVINE COAST The Amalfi Coast is located about 60 kilometres from Naples in southern Italy overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea, south of the Sorrentine Peninsula. The natural beauty and picturesque scenery of the Amalfi Coast have made it one of the most popular destinations for the world's jet set, earning it the nick- name "Divine Coast" (Divina costiera). Unesco considers it an outstanding ex- ample of the Mediterranean landscape and one of the most impressive des- tinations in Italy. Here, the mountains plunge headlong into the sea, while colourful settlements and green for- ests adorn the cliffs like flowers. Celebrated worldwide for its Med- iterranean landscape and natu- ral diversity, the coast takes its name from the city of Amalfi, which forms its main historical and political cen- tre. A very popular destination for up- per-class Europeans in the 18 th centu- ry. On the Air Serbia flight to Naples, all the charms of the Amalfi Coast are spread out as though on the palm of your hand.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 119

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