Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia


Tri pitanja za...

Đorđe Đorđević, first officer Three questions for...

Đorđa Đorđevića, kopilota

Koja je destinacija iz mreže Er Srbije po vašem mišljenju najlepša u julu? – Sve destinacije su lepe, ne samo u julu nego i to- kom cele godine. I znate šta je još lepše? To što su nam sve te destiancije blizu zahvaljujući Er Srbiji. Ako bih baš morao da se odlučim, to bi bila Atina, možda jedan od najlepših gradova u Evropi, bar je ja tako doživljavam. Grad bogova, mitova i legendi. Istorijski aspekt je možda najlepša karakteristika tog grada. A kada je u pitanju odmor i le- tovanje? Koje vam je more omiljeno? – Omiljeno mi je svako more na

Which destination in the Air Serbia network do you consider as being the most beautiful in July? “All destinations are beautiful – not only in July, but thro- ughout the entire year. And do you know what’s even more beautiful? The fact that, with Air Serbia, all those destinati- ons are close to us. If I simply had to choose, I would say At- hens, maybe one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, or at least that’s how I experience it. It is a city of gods, myths and

legends. The historical aspect is perhaps this city’s most beautiful characteristic.” And which sea is your favourite when it comes to relaxation and summer holidays? “Every sea that I go to is my favouri- te [laughs]. I would single out Cyprus as a destination that I return to often and where – apart from the sea and beac- hes – I enjoy traditional Greek food and a good time. I love Cyprus and Larna- ca because they represent a combina- tion of modernity and tradition, but also meetings between the different nations that visit this country.” You are a first officer on ATR air- craft, and Air Serbia just recently received its tenth aircraft of this type. Could you tell us something about the new planes; are you sa- tisfied? “When you love your job, there’s no lack of satisfaction. Just working at Ser- bian national airline is a source of pride

koje odem (smeh). Kipar bih izdvojio kao destinaciju kojoj se vraćam često i gde, osim u moru i plažama, uživam u tradicionalnoj grčkoj hrani i provodu. Volim Kipar i Larnaku jer su spoj mo- dernog i tradicije, kao i susret različitih nacija koji posećuju ovu zemlju. Kopilot ste na ATR avionu, a Er Srbija je baš nedavno dobila svoj deseti avion tog tipa. Ka- žite nam nešto o novim avioni- ma, jeste li zadovoljni? – Kada volite svoj posao, onda ni zadovoljstvo ne zaostaje. Sam rad u srpskoj nacionalnoj avio-kompaniji je za mene ponos, jer znate da ste deo istorije koju pišete zajedno sa svo- jim kolegama. Dolaskom novog ATR 72 600 aviona, Er Srbija je zaokruži-

la proces modernizacije i proširenja svoje regionalne flo- te koji je započet u januaru 2022. godine. Drago mi je što se flota širi i uspostavlja nove standarde, a nadam se da će tako ostati i u budućnosti. Pre svega mislim da je širenje flote dobrobit i za putnike, kojih je sve više na re- gionalnim linijama. Mi se trudimo da njihovo putovanje učinimo lepim i udobnim.

for me, because you know that you are part of a history that you write together with your colleagues. With the arrival of the new ATR 72 600 aircraft, Air Serbia has completed the process of modernising and expanding its regional fleet that began in January 2022. I’m glad that the fleet is expan- ding and setting new standards, and I hope that will conti- nue in the future. And I primarily think that the fleet’s expan- sion is also beneficial to passengers, who are constantly increasing in number on regional routes. We strive to ensure their journey is beautiful and comfortable.”

Atina je nezaobilazna destinacija za turistička putovanja i bar jednom u životu morate da je posetite Athens is an unavoidable destination for tourist travels and must be visited at least once in life

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