Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia

Na letu

On board

Zato što mi je ceo svet na dlanu Because the whole world is on the palm of my hand ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? WHY DO YOU LIKE PLANES?

– MOJA STRAST PREMA AVIONIMA DATIRA JOŠ OD DETINJSTVA , fascinirala me je pojava aviona na nebu. Često sam gledala njihove tragove i pitala se na koje egzotične destinacije voze svoje putnike. Danas kada su pu- tovanja avionom postala sastavni deo modernog života, moja fas- cinacija ne jenjava. Sam prilazak aerodromu mi budi osećaj eufori- je i radosti za novim putovanjem. Volim svu praktičnost i sigurnost avio-saobraćaja. To što nam pru- žaju mogućnost lakšeg poveziva- nja sa ljudima, mestima i osećaj da nam je ceo svet na dlanu. Šta uvek nosite sa so- bom na let? – Veličina mog prtljaga direk- tno zavisi od toga da li putujem sama ili sa decom. Jer kada putu- jete sa decom, znaće mame, spi- sak za pakovanje je beskonačan i treba vam magični kofer bez dna. Šalu na stranu, kada putujem sa- ma, pored standardnih sadrža- ja ženske torbe, volim da pone- sem dobru muziku, svoje beleške i skice. Vreme u avionu volim da iskoristim za planiranje, crtanje, čitanje... Inspiracija je ipak naj- bolja među oblacima.

“MY PASSION FOR AERO- PLANES DATES ALL THE WAY BACK TO MY CHILDHOOD , when I was fascinated by planes appearing in the sky. I would of- ten watch their trails and wonder which exotic destinations they were taking their passengers to. Today, when travelling by air has become an integral part of modern life, my fascination hasn’t waned – merely approaching an airport leaves me with a feeling of eupho- ria and joy for my new journey. I love all the practicality and safety of air travel. The fact that they pro- vide us with the possibility to more easily connect with people, plac- es and the feeling that the whole world is in the palm of one’s hand.” What do you always take with you on a flight? “The size of my luggage is de- pendent directly on whether I’m travelling by myself or with my children. That’s because when you travel with kids – as mums will know – the list of items to pack is endless and you need a magi- cal suitcase that has no bottom. Joking aside. when I travel alone, apart from the standard contents of a woman’s bag, I like to carry with me good music and my notes and sketches. I like to utilise my time aboard a plane to plan, draw, read etc. Inspiration is still the best among the clouds.”

Milena Bojić, modna kreatorka fashion designer

Tekst / Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije / Photography: Atelier

Ko je Milena Milena Bojić rođena je Novosađanka, modna dizajnerka i pono- sna majka dvoje dece. Diplomirani je pravnik, ali ju je ljubav pre- ma umetnosti i dizajnu odvela u svet mode. Svoj brend, koji neguje ženstvenost kroz oštre forme asimetrije i autoritativnost, stvaraju- ći tako prepoznatljiv i jedinstven stil, osnovala je 2018. Četiri godine kasnije učestvovala je na Nedelji mode na Siciliji, a vrhunac svog ra- da doživela je pobedom na konkursu za dizajn i stilizaciju posade Er Srbije koja nosi njene kreacije.

WHO IS MILENA? Milena Bojić is a native of Novi Sad, fashion designer and a proud mother of two children. She has a law degree, but was enticed into the world of fashion by her love for art and design. It was in 2018 that she founded own her brand, which nurtures femininity through sharp asymmetrical and authoritative forms, creating her recognisable and unique style. She participated in Fash- ion Week in Sicily four years later, while she experienced the pinnacle of her work to date when she won the competition to design and stylise the Air Ser- bia crew, which is now wearing her creations.

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

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