Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia

Multimedia Presentations “Through the Serbian House, vis- itors will have an opportunity to ex- perience Serbian culture and herit- age through innovative multimedia presentations. We will use advanced technology to create interactive expe- riences that will allow visitors to con- nect with our past on a deeper level. “One of the key elements will be the animated art on the interior walls of the Paris-Villette Theatre us- ing technical algorithms. This tech- nique will bring to life the works of Nadežda Petrović, one of our most prominent painters, whose move- ments and colours will create a dy- namic and emotional ambience in- side the Serbian House.” Cultural Events and Exhibitions “The Serbian House, togeth- er with the Cultural Centre of Ser- bia and the Serbian Ambassadori-

ON INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY “The Government of Serbia has been bringing digitalisation, inno- vation and modern technologies to the fore for several years. Mod- ern technology will play a key role in presenting Serbia through the Ser- bian House. Although the theme is Roots, we will use different techno- logical algorithms for animated art on the pavilion walls and presenta- tions of great minds like Tesla and Milanković, but also to bring to life the movement of one of our greatest painters – Nadežda Petrović, whose significant phase of pre-war creation actually occurred in Paris. Innova- tions and achievements in science, as well as plans for EXPO 2027, will also be highlighted in a special way.” ON EXPECTATIONS "One of the most significant events within the Serbian House will be the Business Forum, which will be held on 31 st July, in coopera- tion with MEDEF, the most famous French association of entrepreneurs, the Business France association and French institutions relevant to meet- ing the high expectations of Serbi- an business leaders. We expect the Serbian House to have a long-term impact on Serbia’s image worldwide. Our vision is for this project to in- spire future international events and serve as an example of how a coun- try's culture can be successfully pre- sented on the global stage.” ON PARTNERS “The Serbian House project is the result of cooperation between insti- tutions, including the Government of of Serbia, the Chamber of Com- merce , the Olympic Committee of Serbia, the Tourist Organisation of Serbia and the Embassy of Serbia in Paris, as well as several museums, ar- chives and the National Ensemble 'Kolo'. Apart from institutions, an artistic team from Belgrade, head- ed by ARTBEAT and Dušan Jovović, plays a key role in the implementa- tion of this project. This team’s crea- tivity and expertise ensure a top-lev- el performance.”

state, in the Olympic Games. Visi- tors will have an opportunity to view rare photos, videos and other arte- facts that shed light on our sporting history and cultural heritage.” The 'Roots' Project “The idea behind the 'Roots' pro- ject is for it to be the heart of the Ser- bian House. It symbolises our cultur- al and historical roots and represents a central gathering place. 'Roots' will be displayed through the central art installation, a 6.5-metre-tall sculpture symbolising the Tree of Life. Visitors entering the Serbian House will shift to another dimension, where sounds, smells and movements depict the authentic atmosphere of Serbia. The multimedia room, which plays with the viewer's mind, allows visi- tors to feel like they are part of the installation itself.” ON GASTRONOMY Part of the Serbian House will be dedicated to gastronomy; more precisely, we will have a restaurant where chefs from the professional association of young chefs of Ser- bia - Junior Chefs Club, who won as many as two bronze medals at this year's cooking Olympics in Stutt- gart, will prepare traditional Serbi- an dishes with a modern twist. Visi- tors will be able to try specialities like Leskovac mućkalica, Zlatibor kom- plet lepinja, patties with Fruška Go- ra truffles, perch with Smederevo sauce, dry pie with walnuts and ce- real ice cream, but also various types of rakija, Serbian beers and wines, which will convey the authentic taste our country.” ON SPORTS "Promoting Serbia's sporting his- tory is of great value to us. Through the documentary material of the Archives of Yugoslavia, visitors will have an opportunity to view histori- cal moments of our Olympic success- es. This is the first time these mate- rials will be shown publicly, which further emphasises the importance of our sporting heritage, while visi- tors will have an opportunity to get acquainted with all of our country’s Olympic medal winners.”

al residence in Paris, will host a series of cultural events, including exhibi- tions, performances, recep- tions and concerts. These events will present various aspects of Serbian art, from traditional music and folk- lore to contemporary artis- tic productions, as well as the county’s tourism po- tential, on 1 st August, when the Tourist Organisation of Serbia will have its day at the Serbian House. A par- ticular focus will be on the presentation of the great- est minds of our science, such as Nikola Tesla and Milutin Milanković. Visi- tors will learn more about

their achievements and contributions to the world through interactive ex- hibitions and documentary displays.” Documentary Material and Artefacts “Thanks to the Archives of Yugo- slavia, we have obtained rich docu- mentary material that will be shown to the public for the first time. These materials include thousands of ar- tefacts related to the previous par- ticipations of Yugoslavia, or Serbia, as the legal successor of the former

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