Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia

Pariz je i u julu mnogo dobra ideja / Paris in July is also a very good idea smart travel

Događaji u Parizu tokom jula uključuju neke od najuz - budljivijih stvari koje treba uraditi i videti u godini: finale biciklističke trke Tur de Frans niz Jelisejska polja, popu - larne gradske plaže pored Sene, vatromet na Dan Ba - stilje sa Ajfelovog tornja, festivale, koncerte, galerije... Spremite se za spektakularan provod u Gradu svetlo - sti (da ne pominjemo Olimpijske igre) jer do prestonice Francuske, Er Srbija u julu leti čak 16 puta nedeljno. Uži - vajte u dugim sunčanim danima i događajima koji jul či - ne jednim od najboljih meseci za posetu Parizu. Events taking place in the French capital during July inc- lude some of the year’s most exciting things to do and see: the Tour de France bicycle race finishes with a flouri - sh down the Champs-Élysées; city beaches appear by the Seine, Bastille Day fireworks light up the Eiffel Tower, whi - le there are festivals, concerts, art shows and much mo - re (not to mention the Olympics). So, get ready to have a spectacular time in the City of Lights, cause Air Serbia flies to the French capital up to 16 times a week in July. Enjoy the long sunny days and fun things to do that make July one of the best months to visit Paris.

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