Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia

U Botaničkoj bašti su koncerti vikendom uglavnom besplatni Concerts in the Botanical Garden are mostly free on weekends

Pont Alexandre III bridge; Espace Eiffel near the Branly Museum on the other side of the Seine; and at various smaller, hipper venues scattered around the city, such as Palais de Tokyo and Musée Galliera in the 16 th arrondissement. La Fête Foraine des Tuileries La Fête Foraine des Tuileries – literally the “Fun Fair of Tuileries”, or carnival – sudden- ly appears in the city’s Tuileries Garden in early July and remains for two months. Wi - th a giant Ferris wheel (have your camera or phone ready to take great skyline photos of Sacre Coeur and the Eiffel Tower), carousels, fun houses and gut-wrenching rides for thrill seekers, this fair entertains everyone seeking fun. And, of course, it offers massive amounts of carnival food. Combine a stroll through Tui - leries Garden and the Fête Foraine with a visit to other nearby attractions: the Louvre, Musée de l'Orangerie and the Musée d'Orsay. Tour de France The famous Tour de France cycle race – co- vering a distance of 3,540 kilometres over 23 days – comes to its exciting conclusi - on in Paris on Sunday, 24 th July. The arrival time of riders is hard to predict and varies every year, but a reasonable guess is somew - here between 3:30pm and 5:30pm. The final stretch through the capital includes 6-10 laps around the Arc de Triomphe, up and down Champs-Élysées and around Tuileries Garden – providing plenty of chances for you to see the riders. Music festivals Parc Floral (the Paris Botanical Garden) in Bois de Vincennes hosts four musical festi - vals that take place concurrently: Paris Jazz Festival; Classic in Green (classical music); Pestacles (a children's concert series); and Nocturnes (nighttime concerts of contempo - rary, jazz or classical music). Open-air con- certs take place every Saturday and Sunday on several stages in the park throughout ear- ly September and almost all of the concerts are free of charge, although Parc Floral char- ges a small entrance fee of three euros du- ring summer and early autumn.

varira svake godine, ali to je otprilike između 15.30 i 17.30. Poslednji deo u Parizu uključu - je 6–10 krugova oko Trijumfalne kapije, uz i niz Jelisejska polja i oko vrta Tiljerije – što vam daje mnogo mogućnosti da pozdravite učesnike. Muzički festivali Park Floral (Pariska botanička bašta) u Ven - senskoj šumi je domać in četiri istovremena muzička festivala: „Paris Jazz Festival“, „Cla - ssic in Green“ (klasična muzika), „Pestacles“ (serija dečjih koncerata) i „Nocturnes“ (no - ć ni koncerti savremene muzike). Nastupi na otvorenom održavaju se svake subote i nede - lje na nekoliko bina u parku do početka sep - tembra i skoro svi koncerti su besplatni, iako Park Floral naplać uje ulaznicu od tri evra.

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