Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia


A journalist doesn’t know where to start with ques- tions: films, theatre plays, books, and now also your YouTube platform? What’s going on – total relocation online? “The andrijamilosevic.net plat- form emerged as the result of an idea that I had for many years that we’ve now implemented. The plan is to use that space to play in a way that we otherwise wouldn’t be able to do, because artistic stage work in our country is such that a long time is often required before the opportunity arises to do some- thing that you really desire. I like jokes, imagination, humour, ap- proaching people in the right way. This platform is the ideal ‘space- port’ for our creative free rocket.” How is Teatar na brdu; what makes it special and differ- entiates it from others? “Teatar na brdu is the fruit of great love for the theatre. And one thing that’s unusual about it is that we, as actors and stars at the peak of our powers, allocated part of our time, ideas, spirituality, money and vision to create a theatre. And if you don’t also have a vision for the technology behind that idea, everything remains a mere decla- ration and nothing comes of creat- ing something. If that wasn’t the case, there’d be theatres spring- ing up on every corner. That isn’t at all simple or easy.” You practically lived on trains at one point. Is life easier aboard planes? How are your experiences of Air Serbia flights? “I travel by plane a lot. Air Ser- bia flights are excellent; I always feel safe and contented, with the crew’s top professionals. I like busi- ness class the most, because I like eating during flights and the food is always excellent. Given that I fly a lot, I already feel an affinity with the crew members and we always have a good time during the flight.

“I would, of course, always say that I’m an actor first. Today’s world is such that we can’t and shouldn’t confine ourselves to just one professional niche. That’s why I have several professions, inter- ests, genres... For me, acting, di- recting, producing, organising and writing are a great game that fulfils me, entertains me, and brings ex- citement to my life. But everything I do is for the audience and I be- lieve that they love it, so may it last as long as it lasts.” What even led you to po- etry and why did you ded- icate your verses to chil- dren before you’d even become a father? “I wrote for children to enter- tain myself, while intimately hop- ing that a child would come into our lives. And Relja was born. I can’t ac- tually explain precisely how I be- came a children’s writer and poet; that was simply some inner urge. I love fantasies, other worlds, reach- ing love stories through play, overcoming obstacles, sup-

ANDRIJA MILOŠEVIĆ, ACTOR Love is best reached through play Despite all the creative things he does, he

says that he’s first and foremost an actor. But Andrija is increasingly also a writer, which is why we’ll soon have the opportunity to read his new children’s poems, in a book he’s dedicated to his son Relja WHATEVER HE DOES ON THE ACTING, PRODUCING OR WRITING FRONT , Andrija Mi- lošević manages to effortlessly win over the love of the audi- ence, who support him and al- ways await his new projects eagerly. Alongside his tal- ent and charisma, his ar- tistic flair, verve and new ideas are also accredit- ed to his great love for his wife and colleague Sandra Tomić. As of re- cently, there’s also been the mini nuclear reactor of energy and love that is his son Relja, to whom Andrija has dedicated his new children’s book.

porting children who to- day live in a very harsh world.”

And do you now draw inspiration from a more pre- cious place, since you became a fa- ther?

“I see the world dif- ferently since becoming a father, with more ma- turity and emotion than before. I believe that I’ve become a better man as a father; that I’m now a stronger conductor of feelings, and I also be- lieve that my writing is higher quality. Relja also inspired me for the new book with his bound- less love. I feel great when I’m writing for children and that I’m doing something re- ally important by doing so.”

If you were forced to choose, would you de- fine yourself primar- ily as an actor, given that you also work as a producer and thea- tre director, and that you’ve been most- ly a writer and poet lately?

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