Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia



„Patke se ne smrzavaju na ledu“ / Ducks Do Not Freeze on Ice

Izložba austrijskog umetnika Markusa Humera pod nazi- vom „Patke se ne smrzavaju na ledu“ u Galeriji „X Vitamin“ može da se pogleda do 31. jula. Crteži i slike su inspirisa- ni umetnikovim boravkom na dalekom zapadu okruga Kork u Irskoj, gde jedinstveni ekosistem čine brojni kriptogrami – biljke koje se razmnožavaju putem spora, kao što su liša- jevi, mahovine, paprati, morske alge, gljive, virusi, bakteri- je… Ovi najraniji oblici života na našoj planeti su jedini životni oblici koji do danas nisu napustili evolucioni proces prko- seći bilo kakvoj klimatskoj promeni. Naziv izložbe podvla- či činjenicu da postoje vrste sa savršenijim urođenim me- hanizmima opstanka od onih koje poseduje ljudska vrsta. Ovo razmišljanje se može dovesti u vezu sa osporavanjem dominantne uloge čoveka u oblikovanju planete koju smo dužni da delimo sa drugima. Austrian artist Markus Huemer’s exhibition Ducks Do not Freeze on Ice can be viewed at the X Vitamin Gallery until 31 st July. The exhibition’s drawings and paintings are inspired by the artist’s time in the far west of Ireland’s County Cork, where a unique ecosystem is composed of numerous cryp- togams – plants that reproduce through spores, such as li- chens, mosses, ferns, seaweeds, fungi, viruses, bacteria etc. These earliest life forms on our planet are the ones that have not left the evolutionary process to this day, defying any climate change. The name of the exhibition underlines the fact that there are species with more perfect innate sur- vival mechanisms than those possessed by the human spe- cies. This thinking can be linked to challenging the dominant role that man has in shaping this planet that we are obliged to share with others.


Jedan od najautentičnijih muziča- ra regiona izvešće svoje nove pe- sme, kao i mnogobrojne, sad već čuvene sevdalinke, na Letnjoj pozor- nici na Tvrđavi u Nišu 14. jula. Vrećo peva o ljubavi, čežnji i razdvojeno- sti, o tuzi, melanholiji i samoći. Svaki njegov stih je poput priznanja ljuba- vi, pa otud i magija na njegovim kon- certima.

One of our region’s most authentic mu- sicians, he will perform both new songs and numerous Sevdalinka hits that are already famous on the Summer Stage of Niš Fortress on 14 th July. Vrećo sings about love, yearning and separation, about sadness, melancholy and loneli- ness. Each of his verses is like a confes- sion of love, which is the source of the magic at his concerts.

Božo Vrećo na Niškoj tvrđavi Božo Vrećo at Niš Fortress

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