Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia



FESTIVAL / FESTIVAL Filmska magija u Somboru This year’s edition of the Palić European Film Festival, from 20 th to 26 th July, will provide audiences with the opportunity to watch more than 140 films in 17 selections, while the festival programme will include the par- ticipation of more than 100 domestic and foreign film industry professionals. Under the scope of the pre-festival programme, which commences on 6 th July, films will be shown in five selections, with the audience able to watch seven films within the frame- work of each of the Best of Europe and Eu- rope4Kids programmes, as well as the pro- gramme that pays homage to winners of the Aleksandar Lifka Award, while a big screen erected in Subotica city centre will host pro- jections under the Cinema on the Square programme. Films included in the Cinema on the Beach selection will also be screened at Palić’s Plaža Bar. Šesti Somborski filmski festival biće održan od 11. do 14. jula u organizaciji Kulturnog centra „Laza Kostić“ Sombor. Program će činiti domaći i filmovi iz regiona koji su u prethodnoj godini izazivali veliko interesova- nje publike i to u četiri selekcije. „Ovogodišnje izdanje sagledavamo kao početak nekih novih smerova i da- jemo mu priliku da se vrati na svoju prvobitnu zamisao festivala panonskih i podunavskih regija i zemalja“, ka- že Ksenija Janković, direktorka festivala čiji je slogan ove godine „Nije lako kad si mlad“. Ulaz je besplatan.

Festival evropskog filma European Film Festival

Na ovogodišnjem izdanju Festivala evropskog fil- ma Palić koji će se održati od 20. do 26. jula, publi- ka će biti u prilici da pogleda više od 140 filmova u 17 selekcija, a u festivalskom programu učestvo- vaće preko 100 filmskih profesionalaca iz zemlje i inostranstva. U okviru pretfestivalskog progra- ma koji počinje 6. jula biće prikazani filmovi u pet selekcija, te publika može pogledati po sedam fil- mova u okviru Best of Europe i Europe4Kids pro- grama kao i Omaž program dobitnicima nagrade ”Aleksandar Lifka”, dok će na velikom platnu u cen- tru Subotice biti održan program Bioskop na trgu. Takođe, projekcije filmova će biti priređene u Plaža Baru na Paliću u okviru selekcije Bioskop na plaži.


Vratio se Nemanja Lukić Nemanja Lukić is back

„Serafim“ je novi roman pisca De- jana Stojiljkovića, u kojem ispisu- je hronike Nemanje Lukića, junaka dobro poznatog njegovim čitaoci- ma iz „Konstantinovog raskršća“. U knjizi pratimo Lukića od trenut- ka kada je u međuratnom Beogra- du prihvatio novi identitet. Čitao- ci će saznati kako je Nemanja prvi put sreo Mustafu Golubića i čime je tačno zadužio našeg nobelovca Ivu Andrića. Njegov angažman u Britanskoj obaveštajnoj službi od- vešće ga čak na Island, gde će se suočiti sa tajnama vremena i pro- stora, sve dok se opet ne pojavi u Srbiji u vreme epidemije variole. Na kraju ostaje samo pitanje: šta Nemanja Lukić radi i u 21. veku?

Movie magic in Sombor

The 6 th Sombor Film Festival will take place from 11 th to 14 th July, under the organisation of Sombor’s Laza Kostić Cultural Centre. The programme will comprise domes- tic films and works from around the region that have at- tracted great interest over the previous year, divided into four selections. “We see this year’s edition as the beginning of some new directions and are giving the festival an opportunity to return to its original concept as a festival of the Pannonian and Danubian regions and countries,” says festival director Ksenija Janković. The slogan of this year’s festival is “It Isn’t Easy When You’re Young”. Admission is free of charge.

Seraphim is the new novel from writer Dejan Stojiljković in which he chronicles Ne- manja Lukić, a character who’s well known to his readers from the novel Constan- tine’s Crossing. This book follows Lukić from the moment he accepts a new identi- ty in the Belgrade of the interwar period. Readers will discover how Nemanja first met Mustafa Golubić and for what exactly he was indebted to our Nobel laureate Ivo An- drić. His engagement with the British intelligence service will take him all the way to Iceland, where he will face the secrets of time and space, until he reappears in Ser- bia, during the smallpox epidemic. In the end, only one question remains: what is Ne- manja Lukić doing in the 21 st century?

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