Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia


FESTIVAL / FESTIVAL Vladimir Tagić u žiriju „Bašta festa“ Vladimir Tagić on the Bašta Fest jury

Film director Vladimir Tagić is current- ly in the limelight among the domestic public, but also more broadly, thanks to the drama series Sabre, which recent- ly premiered in Cannes. Apart from be- ing extremely busy as the director of a number of popular TV series (Morning Will Change Everything, Mum and Dad are Playing War, The Children of Evil), Tagić will also find himself in a special role this summer, as a member of the jury of the upcoming Bašta Fest, Baji- na Bašta’s international festival of short feature films that will this year take place from 4 th to 7 th July. How do you view the importance and role of this festival on the do- mestic film scene? “I was at this festival in 2015. It was then that I graduated and participated in the short feature film Emergency Exit. I think this festival has great importance, primarily for students. It’s really impor- tant for all of us in that initial stage of de- velopment to come to a place where someone recognises your work.” You’ve also shot short feature films during your career. How meaningful were they to you as an author? “Short films are important. They are an exciting way to find yourself, your lan- guage, and to articulate a thought and learn the basics of film language for the first time in your career. You actual- ly “learn to speak” with the help of short film. It is an art form in its own right.” Do you have favourite destinations? “My travels are mostly related to fes- tivals and my work. That’s mainly tak- en me to France in the last few years, and previously to Italy and Germany. Rome is special. That city left a very strong impression on me, firstly with its history and the “centuries” that you feel while walking those streets. But there you don’t experience history as though in a museum, because it ex- ists in parallel with the present, which is alive, exciting and bustling. I’ve never felt that so strongly anywhere else.”

I sami ste tokom karijere snimali kratke igrane filmove. Koliko su vam oni značili kao autoru? – Kratki filmovi su važni, oni su uzbud- ljiv način da pronađete sebe, svoj je- zik i da prvi put u svojoj karijeri artikuli- šete misao i naučite osnove filmskog jezika. Uz pomoć kratkog filma vi za- pravo „učite da govorite“. To je umet- nost za sebe. Imate li omiljene destinacije? – Nekako su moja putovanja uglav- nom vezana za festivale i za moj po- sao. U poslednjih nekoliko godina to je uglavnom bila Francuska, a pre to- ga Italija i Nemačka. Rim je poseban. Taj grad je ostavio vrlo snažan utisak na mene, pre svega svojom istorijom i vekovima koje osećaš dok se šetaš tim ulicama. Ali istoriju ne doživljavaš muzejski, jer ona postoji paralelno sa sadašnjošću koja je živa, uzbudljiva i vrcava. Nisam to nigde drugde osetio na toliko snažan način.

Reditelj Vladimir Tagić trenutno je u fokusu domaće javnosti, ali i šire, za- hvaljujući seriji „Sablja“ koja je nedav- no imala premijeru u Kanu. Pored to- ga što je veoma uposlen kao reditelj niza popularnih serija („Jutro će pro- meniti sve“, „Mama i tata se igraju ra- ta“, „Deca zla“), ovog leta će se na- ći i u specijalnoj ulozi, kao član žirija na predstojećem izdanju „Bašta festa“, internacionalnog festivala kratkog igranog filma, koji se ove godine odr- žava od 4. do 7. jula u Bajinoj Bašti. Kako vidite značaj i ulogu ovog festivala na domaćoj filmskoj sceni? – Bio sam na festivalu 2015. godine. Tada sam diplomirao i učestvovao sa kratkim igranim filmom „Izlaz u slučaju opasnosti“. Mislim da festival ima veli- ki značaj, pre svega za studente. U toj početnoj fazi razvoja svih nas zaista je važno doći na mesto gde vaš rad ne- ko prepoznaje.

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