Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia

Kultura Culture

KULTNA MESTA ZA LJUBITELJE KNJIGA CULT SPOTS FOR LOVERS OF LITERATURE Sa čuvenim umetnicima u slavnim kafeima / With celebrated artists at famous cafés Pisci su oduvek voleli Pariz, u njegovim šarmantnim lokalima pronalazili inspiraciju, šetali se prelepim parkovima ili se, poput Simon de Bovoar i Sartra, svaki dan nalazili u isto vreme u istom kafeu / Paris has always been adored by writers, who’ve found inspiration in its charming spots, by strolling its beautiful parks or, like Simone de Beauvoir and Sartre, in meeting every day in the same café at the same time

A ko ste stigli u Pariz, direktnim i udob- nim letom Er Srbije, nema sumnje da ćete od sreće zapevati kad vidite „živu“ Ajfelovu kulu ispred sebe a ne na fot- ki, ili svratiti u neku patiseriju da po- jedete pravi pravcati francuski kroasan. Možda ste obezbedili mesta da uživate u najboljim sportskim dešavanjima, a možda ste samo odlučili da leto pro- vedete pored Sene. Šta god da vas je dovelo u ovaj prelepi grad, imamo za vas dodatni spisak. Zašto ne biste pili kafu i vino ili se šetali na nekim mestima koja su proslavili čuveni svetski pisci? Tamo gde su oni sedeli, pričali, ostavljali trag, da ga baš vi pratite decenijama kasnije...

I f you’ve arrived in Paris on a direct, comforta- ble Air Serbia flight, you’ll undoubtedly jump joyfully when you see the Eiffel Tower “live” in front of you, as opposed to in a photo, or drop in at a patisserie to try a genuine French crois- sant. Perhaps you’ve secured tickets to enjoy the best sporting events, or maybe you’ve just decided to spend the summer by the Seine. Regardless of what brought you to this stunningly beautiful city, we have an addi- tional list for you. Why not drink coffee and wine or simply tour some of the places that have been made famous by the world’s most celebrated writers? These are places where they sat, chatted and left their mark, only for you to follow them decades later...

58 | Pariz » Paris

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