Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia

Šarl Bodler / Charles Baudelaire

Prva stanica: Klozeri de Lila


Ovaj šik kafe-bar i restoran u blizini Mon- parnasa poznat je po svojim svežim ostri- gama, goveđem tartaru i terasi prepunoj jorgovana. U njemu su se redovno sasta- jali francuski pesnici Pol Verlen i Šarl Bod- ler, dok se Pol Fort svakog utorka sastajao sa Gijomom Apolinerom i Maksom Žako- bom kako bi čitali pesme. Semjuel Beket, Oskar Vajld i Žan-Pol Sartr samo su neki od pisaca i pesnika koji su redovno pose- ćivali ovo mesto, a do posebnog isticanja ove lokacije došlo je sa pojavom ame- ričke inteligencije dvadesetih i tridesetih godina prošlog veka. Ficdžerald, Hemin- gvej i Henri Miler su često navraćali na pi- će, a Hemingvej je i pisao o ovom baru u svojim memoarima o Parizu. Prema le- gendi, Ficdžerald je baš na ovom mestu dao prvi rukopis „Velikog Getsbija“ svom prijatelju Hemingveju na čitanje.

This chic café-bar and brasserie near the Montparnasse area is famous for its fresh oysters and steak tartare, as well as its terrace surrounded by lilacs. French poets Paul Ver- laine and Charles Baudelaire met there regu- larly, while it was also there that Paul Fort, Guil- laume Apollinaire and Max Jacob met every Tuesday for poetry readings. Samuel Beck- ett, Oscar Wilde and Jean-Paul Sartre are just a few of the writers and poets who regularly frequented this place, while this venue gained special relevance with the appearance of the American intelligentsia in the 1920s and ‘30s. F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway and Henry Miller often stopped by for a drink, while Hemingway even wrote about this bar in his memoir of Paris. According to legend, it was here that Fitzgerald gave his friend Heming- way the first manuscript for The Great Gats- by to read.


We now arrive at a venue that claims to be the oldest café in Paris. Found- ed in 1686 by Sicilian chef Francesco Procopio dei Coltelli, it soon became an important stop during the 18 th cen- tury, frequented by the likes of satiri- cal master Voltaire and encyclopae- dist, philosopher and art critic Denis Diderot. Inspired by the strange new beverage called “coffee”, Voltaire, Di- derot and many other thinkers and writers, such as Jean-Jacques Rous- seau and American revolutionaries Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jeffer- son, met up here and engaged in end- less hours of debate and conversa- tion. Voltaire is rumoured to have drunk up to 40 coffees a day, while his col- leagues weren’t far behind! This café remains a legendary literary meeting place to this day.

Volter /Voltaire

Druga stanica: Kafe Prokop

ćem nazvanim „kafa“, Volter, Didro i mnogi mislioci i pisci, poput Žan-Žaka Rusoa i američkih revolucionara Ben- džamina Frenklina i Tomasa Džeferso- na, dolazili su ovde i upuštali se u be- skrajne debate i razgovore. Priča se da je Volter umeo da popije i po četrdeset kafa dnevno, a nisu zaostajale ni nje- gove kolege. Ovo mesto je i danas le- gendarno književno sastajalište.

A sada stižemo na mesto koje tvrdi da je najstariji kafe u Parizu. Osnovao ga je 1686. godine sicilijanski kuvar Franče- sko Prokopio dei Kolteli i ubrzo je tokom 18. veka postalo važna stanica gde su svraćali majstor satire Volter i enciklo- pedista, filozof i umetnički kritičar De- ni Didro. Podstaknuti čudnim novim pi-

Paris » Pariz | 59

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