Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia


THIRD STOP: LES DEUX MAGOTS If there’s one specific quarter of Paris that’s packed with literary history, that’s the Saint-Germain neighbourhood, and if it was possible to narrow it down to just one place, that would be Les Deux Magots café. This chic café has built a reputation over the years with its peculiar mix of clientele ranging from the ul- tra-wealthy and tourists of average wealth who visit the city. It was once regularly frequented by Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and Albert Camus, who would stop by for strong coffee and philosophical debates, before con- tinuing down the street to the next, fifth stop on our list. Hemingway and Joyce would come here occasionally, with this café becoming a true centre of literary activities that led to it es- tablishing its own literary award in 1933.

Treća stanica: Du Mago

su svojevremeno svraćali Žan- Pol Sartr, Simon de Bovoar i Al- ber Kami na jaku kafu i filozofsku debatu, a onda nastavljali niz uli- cu ka sledećoj, petoj stanici. Po- vremeno su ovde dolazili i Hemin- gvej i Džojs, a kafe je postao pravo jezgro književnih aktivnosti, pa je ustanovio i sopstvenu književnu nagradu 1933. godine.

Ako postoji jedna oblast Pariza ko- ja vrvi od književne istorije, to je četvrt Sen-Žermen, a ako je mo- guće to svesti na jedno mesto, onda je to kafe „Du Mago“. Ovaj šik kafić je tokom godina stekao ugled kod čudne mešavine naj- bogatijih i prosečno bogatih tu- rista koji posećuju grad. U njega

Alber Kami / Albert Camus

Četvrta stanica: Kafe Flor Odmah preko puta nalazi se ovo mesto koje je takođe zna- čajan lokalitet za francusku književnu istoriju. Apoliner je tu navraćao da bi pisao, dok je Andre Breton umeo da provodi po ceo dan na ovom mestu ili u kafeu preko puta. Često bi sa prijateljima noću navraćao i čuveni francuski pesnik Žak Prever. Novu slavu kafe je doživeo tokom četrdesetih i pe- desetih kada je postao važno sastajalište egzistencijalista. Slavni par Simon de Bovoar i Žan-Pol Sartr su dobre delove dana provodili ovde navodno pretresajući svoje filozofije od jutra do mraka. I ovaj kafe, kao i „Du Mago“, ima sopstvenu književnu nagradu. FOURTH STOP: CAFÉ DE FLORE Right across the street is this place, which is also a signifi- cant spot in French literary history. Apollinaire would drop by to write there, while André Breton was capable of spending an entire day in this place or at the café opposite. Famous French poet Jacques Préver would also visit often at night with his friends. This café gained new fame during the 1940s and ‘50s, when it became an important meeting place for existentialists. Famous power couple Simone de Beau- voir and Jean-Paul Sartre spent a good part of their days here, purportedly discussing their philosophies from dawn to dusk. And just like Les Deux Magots, this café also has its own literary award.

Simon de Bovoar / Simone de Beauvoir

60 | Pariz » Paris

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