It's time to cross over to the right bank of the Seine. As you are prob- ably aware, the luxurious Ritz Hotel is more than just a palace that wel- comes some of the world’s wealthiest and most famous people. Despite this hotel being highly rated even before the arrival of Ernest Hemingway – with French writer Marcel Proust having hosted extravagant dinner parties here – Hemingway nonetheless deserved the bar of this hotel to be crowned with his name. It is today considered one of the most stylish hotel bars anywhere in Paris. Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzger- ald spent many hours in this bar, and when World War II ended, it was Hem- ingway who publicly declared the bar’s liberation from the Nazis. The bar was later included in his novel The Sun Al- so Rises, while the author once wrote: “When I dream of afterlife in heaven, the action always takes place in the Paris Ritz.”
Peta stanica: Hemingvejev bar
imenom bar ovog hotela. Danas važi za jedan od najbolje stilizovanih barova u celom Parizu. Hemingvej i F. Skot Fi- cdžerald su proveli sate i sate na ovom mestu, a kada se završio Drugi svetski rat, upravo je Hemingvej javno progla- sio oslobođenje bara od nacista. Kasni- je se našao i u njegovom romanu „Sun- ce se ponovo rađa“, a autor je jednom napisao: „Kada sanjam o životu posle smrti u raju, sve se uvek odvija u pari- skom ’Ricu’.“
Vreme je da pređemo na desnu obalu Sene. Kao što verovatno znate, luksu- zni hotel „Ric“ je više od palate i u nje- mu odsedaju neki od najbogatijih i naj- poznatijih ljudi na svetu. Iako se ugled hotela visoko kotirao i pre Ernesta He- mingveja – francuski pisac Marsel Prust je nekada organizovao ovde ek- stravagantne večernje zabave – ipak je Hemingvej zaslužio da ovenča svojim
Ernest Hemingvej / Ernest Hemingway/
Oskar Vajld / Oscar Wilde
Šesta stanica: Kafe de la Pe
Još jedan kafe na desnoj obali koji ima ozbiljan književni kredibilitet. Kada ga vidite, biće vam jasno zašto su mnogi pisci pili kafu ili večerali na ovom me- stu koje se nalazi preko puta opere Garnije. Otvoren je 1862. godine kao deo „Grand hotel de la Pe“ i ubrzo po- stao omiljeno mesto za obrok domi- šljatog Oskara Vajlda. Francuski pisci Marsel Prust, Emil Zola i Gi de Mopa- san često su večerali ovde pre odla- ska u operu.
This is another right-bank café with se- rious literary credibility. And once you see it, you’ll understand precisely why many writers drank coffee or dined at this place that’s situated across the street from the Opera Garnier. Opened in 1862 as part of the Grand Hotel de la Paix, it soon became a favourite din- ner venue for the ingenious Oscar Wilde. French writers Marcel Proust, Emile Zola and Guy de Maupassant would also dine here often before heading to the opera.
62 | Pariz » Paris
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