Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia

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Air Serbia news


ER SRBIJA PREVEZLA PREKO 370 HILJADA PUTNIKA U MAJU AIR SERBIA CARRIED OVER 370,000 PASSENGERS IN MAY U maju 2024. godine nacionalna avio-kompanija prevezla je ukupno 372.638 putnika u redovnom i čarter-saobraćaju, što predstavlja rast od 11 odsto u poređenju sa istim mesecom prošle godine The Serbian national airline carried 372,638 passengers on scheduled and charter flights in the fifth month of 2024, marking year-on-year growth of 11%

ER SRBIJA JE OVE GODINE OSTVARILA NAJBOLJI MAJSKI REZULTAT od osnivanja kompanije 2013. go- dine. Sa aerodroma u Beogradu, Nišu i Kraljevu srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija je tokom maja realizovala 3.869 letova, što je povećanje od 4 odsto u odnosu na taj mesec 2023. godine. – U prvih pet meseci smo prevezli skoro milion i po putnika na letovima do evropskih i svetskih destinaci- ja u našoj mreži. Posle veoma uspešnog aprila nasta- vili smo istim tempom i u maju, kada smo drugi mesec zaredom zabeležili više od 300.000 prevezenih put- nika i preko 3.000 realizovanih letova. Ostvareni rezul- tati dodatno nas motivišu da dalje radimo na unapre- đenju naših usluga u cilju još boljeg iskustva za putnike – izjavio je Boško Rupić, direktor za komercijalu i strate- giju Er Srbije. Najtraženije destinacije Er Srbije tokom maja bile su Cirih, Pariz, Milano, Amsterdam i Frankfurt u zapad- noj Evropi, kao i Podgorica i Tivat u regionu. Kada je reč o široj evromediteranskoj zoni, najpopularniji letovi bili su do Istanbula, Atine i Larnake.

THIS MARKS THE BEST MAY PERFORMANCE since the airline began operating as Air Serbia in 2013. The Ser- bian carrier operated 3,869 flights from airports in Belgra- de, Niš and Kraljevo during May, representing a 4% increa- se year-on-year. “Since the start of this year, we have carried close to 1.5 million passengers on flights to our network’s European and global destinations. Following a very successful April, we con- tinued with the same tempo in May, when we carried over 300,000 passengers and operated more than 3,000 fli- ghts for the second consecutive month. The results achieved further motivate us to continue working to improve our ser- vices in order to provide our passengers with an even better experience,” said Boško Rupić, Air Serbia General Manager – Commercial and Strategy. Air Serbia’s most popular Western European destinati- ons in May were Zurich, Paris, Milan, Amsterdam and Frank- furt, while Podgorica and Tivat remained the top destinations in the region. When it comes to the broader Euro-Mediterra- nean zone, Air Serbia’s most popular May 2024 destinations were Istanbul, Athens and Larnaca.

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