Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia

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Welcome message

July 2024

Jul 2024.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

KAŽU DA JUL PODSTIČE MAŠTANJE I PLANIRANJE. Kada taj mesec zakuca na vrata, u naše misli dolaze slike zlatnih plaža i morskog plavetnila. Ukoliko ste se prepoznali u ovim redovima, a još uvek niste odabra- li mesto na kom ćete ovog leta napuniti baterije, pred- lažemo da posetite veb-sajt Er Srbije. Tokom aktuel- ne letnje sezone letimo do više od 90 gradova širom Evrope, Azije, Afrike i Severne Amerike i lako ćete pro- naći nešto za sebe. Ljubitelji sporta, da li ste spremni za uzbudljivo leto? Grad ljubavi i svetlosti ove godine je domaćin najveće sportske manifestacije na svetu. Letnje Olimpijske igre počinju 26. jula i na njima će učestvovati 10.500 takmičara koji će se nadmetati za 329 zlatnih medalja u 32 sportske discipli- ne. Prvi put u istoriji u Parizu će kao olimpijski sport de- bitovati brejkdens. Do prestonice Francuske Er Srbija će u julu leteti čak 16 puta nedeljno. Potražnja za tim letovi- ma i inače je velika, pa predlažemo da avio-karte kupi- te što pre i tako osigurate svoje mesto na letu do Pariza. Pred poletanje za bilo koju destinaciju u mreži Er Srbije obavezno posetite naš Premijum salon na Beogradskom aerodromu. Trenutno se nalazi između gejtova A4 i A5, a krajem decembra otvaramo vam vrata novog, dvostruko većeg i modernijeg Salona smeštenog na gejtu C10. Već vredno radimo na njegovoj pripremi i izuzetno se radu- jemo što ćemo biti u prilici da vas ugostimo u jedinstve- nom ambijentu sa pogledom na pistu. Unapređenje usluge Premijum salona deo je naše sva- kodnevne težnje da putnicima pružimo kvalitetnu uslu- gu u svim segmentima. S tim u vezi nedavno je u Be- ograd stigao i deseti avion tipa ATR 72-600, čime je u ovom trenutku zaokružen proces modernizacije i proši- renja naše regionalne flote, započet u januaru 2022. go- dine. Možda ove redove čitate baš u tom avionu koji no- si oznaku YU-ASC. Pored težnje da putnicima pružimo kvalitetniju uslugu, veliku pažnju poklanjamo i društveno-odgovornom po- slovanju. S tim u vezi, na godišnjem generalnom sastan- ku Međunarodne asocijacije za vazdušni saobraćaj (IATA) održanom nedavno u Dubaiju pridružili smo se progra- mu „CO2 Connect“, koji pruža tačne podatke o ugljenič- nom otisku putnika. Zahvaljujući tome, naši putnici ima- ju priliku da provere svoj ugljenični otisak na letovima, da prate njegovo smanjenje, ali i naprave poređenje sa dru- gim kompanijama. Bez obzira na to kuda ste se ovog jula uputili, vrata naših aviona su vam otvorena. Jer, kako je to jednom neko re- kao, nebo nije granica, ono je samo početak. Uživajte u letu i srećan put.

IT IS SAID THAT JULY IS THE MONTH THAT INSPIRES DREAMING AND PLANNING. When this month “comes knocking”, our thoughts drift towards golden beaches and blue seas. If that sounds like you, but you’ve yet to choose a spot to “recharge your batteries” this summer, we suggest you pay a visit to the Air Serbia website. We will be flying to more than 90 cities across Europe, Asia, Africa and North America this summer, so you’ll easily find something for yourself. Sports enthusiasts, are you ready for an exciting summer? The City of Love and Light is hosting the world’s largest spor- ting event this year. The Summer Olympics get underway on 26 th July and will see 10,500 athletes vying for 329 gold medals in 32 sports. For the first time in history, breakdan- cing will debut as an Olympic sport in Paris. Air Serbia wi- ll be flying to the French capital up to 16 times a week in July. Demand for these flights is high, so we recommend that you purchase your tickets as soon as possible to se- cure your seat to Paris. Prior to departing for any destination in the Air Serbia network, be sure to visit our Premium Lounge at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport. It is currently located between gates A4 and A5, but by the end of this December we will be opening the doors to a new, modern Lounge that’s twice the size of the current one, located at gate C10. We are diligently preparing to open the new Lounge and are eagerly looking forward to welco- ming you to its unique ambience with a view of the runway. Enhancing the Premium Lounge services is part of our da- ily commitment to providing passengers with a high-qua- lity service in all aspects. In this regard, the fleet’s 10 th ATR 72-600 aircraft recently arrived in Belgrade, marking the completion of the process of modernising and expanding our regional fleet that was initiated in January 2022. Per- haps you are reading these lines aboard the aircraft that bears the registration code YU-ASC. Alongside our commitment to providing passengers with a better service, we also devote great attention to socially responsible business practices. In this regard, the recent annual general meeting of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in Dubai saw us join the CO2 Connect programme, which provides accurate data on passengers’ carbon footprints. Thanks to this initiative, our passengers have the opportunity to check their carbon footprint on fli- ghts, track ways to reduce it and compare the results wi- th other companies. Regardless of where you're heading this July, the doors of our planes are open to you. As someone once said, the sky is not the limit – it’s just the beginning. Enjoy your flight and have a pleasant journey.

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek



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