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THE BROAD AVENUES AND BOULEVARDS OF THE CITY OF LIGHT are filled with luxurious ho- tels and restaurants that cater to globetrotters who have deep pock- ets and expensive tastes. Howev- er, nestled somewhere between all those conglomerates of luxury are small guardians of style and charm. Of course, the Hotel Costes will always remain the most desired ac- commodation option for jet setters in the City of Light. Its secretive, velvety interior is an enticing spot for celebri- ties who love the privacy it offers (but also its hyper-stylised service down to the most minute detail). Our choice is nonetheless Château Voltaire. This hotel was opened by Thierry Gillier (the man behind the Zadig&Voltaire brand) and Franck Durand (the re- spected creative director of Holiday magazine). It would be an understate- ment to note that it became an un- rivalled place for refined people to meet from day one. Located in the city’s 1 st arrondissement, between the Palais Garnier opera house and Tuil- eries Garden, the Château Voltaire, which is recognisable for its dazzling white façade, spans three connect- ed buildings dating back to different eras, with roomy interiors that pro- vide every space in this 32-room ho- tel a sense of lightness. The décor is eclectic yet uniform in its combina- tion of the antique and the innova- tive. With such decadent accommo- dation, you might find it challenging to compel yourself to leave the hotel, but you still shouldn’t allow yourself to sleep through Paris. Le Recrutement Café is the per- fect place to start or end your day. This authentic French brasserie pro- vides views of the Eiffel Tower from the Boulevard de la Tour Maubourg in the sophisticated 7 th arrondisse- ment. Chill out in its ambiental interi- or, among well-dressed people and to the accompaniment of divine delica- cies, then wander the nearby streets. Lapérouse is also a fabulous spot and one of those Parisian venues that’s borne witness to the exciting history of the city’s snooty side. The first res- taurant to be awarded three Miche- lin stars, way back in 1933, it has

The talk of the town is the Little Red Door, the cocktail bar that has brought the speakeasy cult back to Paris. Situated in the always-ingen- ious La Marais neighbourhood, Little Red Door leaves a mysterious impres- sion when viewed from the street, be- cause the real door is hidden in the wall. This international bar, where the waiters are accustomed to con- versing with guests in English, was inspired by the style of New York’s prohibition era. One of the few bars to have secured an enduring pres- ence on the prestigious list of the World’s 50 Best Bars, we advise that you queue in front of the little red door as soon as it opens, otherwise you won’t find a spot inside. And to conclude… shopping. This is, of course, a city where trends are born, and every shop in its fashion- able quarters is a spectacle in its own right. But if you lack the time required to browse boutiques, then be sure to write down just one address: Mer- ci. This huge boutique, which seems to extend endlessly while actual- ly sprawling over an area of 1,400 square metres and resembling an ar- tistic loft with bohemian charm, of- fers fashion, accessories, furniture, trinkets for the home, stationery and several restaurants. You will recog- nise it thanks to the charming red Fiat 550 that’s often parked in front of the entrance.


maintained its status as a cult gas- tronomic destination throughout all this time, as an eatery frequented by the likes of Victor Hugo, Ernest Hemingway and Winston Churchill. It was right there that Serge Gains- bourg met Jane Birkin, while Woody Allen would choose Lapérouse many years later as the setting for a key scene in Midnight in Paris. Of course, no matter how un- conventional it might be, no guide to Paris can avoid recommending the city’s quintessential bohemi- an extravaganza: Les Deux Magots. Drop in for brunch or lunch at this legendary literary café that has en- joyed a cult status since as far back as 1884. Located on the Left Bank of Paris, this famous spot brings to- gether artists and intellectuals from all over the world, while Parisians feel at home here.

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