Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia



Lamborghini x Panasonic Technics

Uvek se radujemo neočekivanom haj-tek spoju, a ovo je upravo to. Famozni proizvođač automobila je sa „Panasonic Technics“ linijom sarađivao na si- stemu gramofona u specijalnoj seriji koju prati plo- ča sa zvukom motora nekoliko lamborgini vozila. Dizajn gramofona je dostupan u tonovima poput onih na njihovim prepoznatljivim modelima „Aran- cio Apodis“, „Verde Shock“ i „Giallo Athon“. LAMBORGHINI X PANASONIC TECHNICS We are always thrilled by unexpected high-tech fu- sions like this one. The famous carmaker has col- laborated with Panasonic’s Technics line to produce a turntable system in a special-edition series ac- companied by a vinyl record with the sounds of the engines of several Lamborghini vehicles. The turn- table’s design is available in tones inspired by Lam- borghini’s signature Arancio Apodis, Verde Shock and Giallo Athon models.

GEDŽETI / GADGETS Uživancija na haj-tek način High-tech style enjoyment

Leto je vreme kada želimo da se opustimo, provodimo vreme pod otvorenim nebom i, kad god je moguće, u blizini neke vodene površine (makar to bio i bazen). Evo gedžeta koji će nam u tom planu pomoći / Summer is the season when we strive to unwind, spend time outdoors and, whenever possible, near water (even if only a swimming pool). Here are some gadgets that will help us out on this front

Tekst / Words: Ivan Radojčić

Sonos Ace Vest da je ovaj zvučni (na više načina) brend objavio da lansira svoje prve slušali- ce dočekana je sa glasnim odobravanjem svih onih koji poštuju njihov spoj ekspertize i dizajna. I kao što je očekivano, ne samo da se ovaj prvenac u toj kategoriji odliku- je elegantnim profilom i pročišćenim, mo- dernističkim izgledom premijum estetike već pruža i „najpreciznije moguće imer- zivno iskustvo kućnog bioskopa“, kako je obećano u saopštenju za medije. Poređe- nja sa „Apple AirPods Max“ su neminovna budući da ciljaju na istu demografiju, ko- ja ceni taktilnost u tehnici. Ali „Sonos Ace“ dolazi sa perolakom kutijicom za putova- nje, što je jednostavan a efektan detalj koji je „Apple“ prevideo.

SONOS ACE News that this audio (in multiple ways) brand has announced the launch of its first head- phones has been met with a cacophony of ap- proval from all those who respect its blend of expertise and design. As was to be expected, its debut in this category not only features an elegant profile and a minimal, modernist look with top aesthetics, but rather also provides "the most precise and immersive home thea- tre experience,” as promised in the accompa- nying press release. Comparisons with Apple's AirPods Max are inevitable, given that they target the same demographic that appreci- ates tactile tech. However, the Sonos Ace also comes with a featherweight travel case, mark- ing a simple yet effective detail that was over- looked by Apple.

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