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the Dinaric Alps, which extend all the way to the sea. Rich in forests and pastures, livestock breeding is well developed here, while Sjeni- ca cheese is also celebrated far and wide. Seek out one of the numerous observation platforms with views that encompass all the beauty of Zlatar, because nature is the chief asset of these lands. UVAC Visit the canyon of the river Uvac that’s located close to Zlatar and provides a habitat for the Scotch pine and the griffon vulture – a rel- ict bird species in the Balkans. The Uvac Special Nature Reserve is an ecological territory with clear water that’s rich in fish, while the oppor- tunity to shoot phenomenal photos is particularly attractive to tourists. The reserve is a protected natural treasure that encompasses the can- yon of the Uvac with its tributaries – representing the unique embrace of nature, the inundation of water and the land that surrounds them, with three beautiful lakes. This canyon is famous worldwide for its meanders, which wind their way through kilometres of a rock riv- erbed carved out by what was once the River Uvac and is now Uvac Lake. Located on the right bank are sever- al smaller villages and Molitva Hill, which is one of the observation points that provides the best view and is

undoubtedly among the most beau- tiful in Serbia. You can also cruise the Uvac on the boats and catama- rans that depart from Rastoke dam. The tour includes sailing through the winding meanders, visiting the Ice Cave and heading to the observation point that provides a view overlook- ing the meanders and the colony of griffon vultures that circle the sky above the lake. The tour lasts approx- imately four hours, covering a total distance of 32 kilometres. The Uvac meanders actually start taking shape a few kilometres behind Uvac lake, which is great for swim- ming during the summer months and is one of the few places in the can- yon where you can descend to the water’s edge. Rangers regularly pa- trol the lake in boats and take care to maintain order and protect na- ture. They feed the griffon vultures, and if you want to find tham, the best option is to visit the dam in the morning hours (around 8am; if the boat is there, wait; if it’s not in sight, you’re too late). MILEŠEVA To conclude this small selection, we recommend that you visit Mileše- va Monastery, which is in the im- mediate vicinity of Zlatar, near the town of Prijepolje, and was found- ed by King Vladislav, son of Stefan the First-Crowned and grandson of Stefan Nemanja, in the first half of the 13 th century. This monastery ow- es its repute and high spot in church hierarchy to the fact that it marks the burial site of Saint Sava. The precise dates of the church’s construction are unknown, but it was certainly built between 1219 and 1235. It was in this latter year that King Vladislav had an- other chancel built to hold the body of his uncle, Saint Sava. It was also in Mileševa Monastery in 1377 that King Tvrtko was crowned king of Bos- nia and Serbia. The Ottomans raid- ed the monastery for the first time in 1459, only to steal the mortal re- mains of Saint Sava at the end of the 16 th century and burn them in Bel- grade’s Vračar neighbourhood. This centre of spirituality is open to visi- tors every day.

Beloglavi sup Beloglavi sup, druga velika

atrakcija Uvca, često se vidi ka- ko krstari nebom u okolini Uvač- kog jezera i meandara. Za ovo nije potrebna nikakva posebna sreća niti traganje – ukoliko pro- vedete nekoliko sati u kanjonu Uvca, gotovo je neizbežno da ga vidite. Ukoliko ste zaljublje- nik u posmatranje ptica i želite da potražite gnezda beloglavog supa, zgodno je da ponesete dvogled. Ovo je retka vrsta or- la lešinara, impozantne veličine, raspona krila i do tri metra. Pro- sečna težina ptice iznosi izme- đu osam i devet, a pojedini pri- merci mogu dostići težinu i do jedanaest kilograma. GRIFFON VULTURE The griffon vulture, represent- ing another major attraction of Uvac, can often be seen cruis- ing the skies around Lake Uvac and its meanders. Spotting them doesn’t require any special luck or searching – if you spend a few hours in the canyon, it is al- most inevitable that you will see one. If you’re a keen birdwatch- er and want to look for griffon vul- ture nests, bringing binoculars is a good idea. A rare species of vulture of imposing proportions, it can have a wingspan of up to three metres. With an average weight of between eight and nine kilograms, individual specimens can reach a weight of up to 11 kgs.

Freske Mileševe se ubrajaju među najbolja evropska ostvarenja 13. veka, a najpoznatija je „Beli anđeo“ Mileševa frescoes are among the best European works of the 13 th century, and the most famous is the White Angel

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