Elevate July 2024 | Air Serbia


Milica Gardašević

ATLETIKA / ATHLETICS Milica Gardašević je rođena 28. septem- bra 1998. u Novom Sadu. Okitila se zlat- nom medaljom na Mediteranskim igrama 2022, a njen rekord u skoku udalj na otvo- renom je 6,91 metar. Takođe, ove godine je trijumfovala u Zlatnoj ligi, a normu je obez- bedila na Balkanijadi u Kraljevu. Milica Gardašević was born in Novi Sad on 28 th September 1998. She won gold at the 2022 Mediterranean Games and has an outdoor long jump personal best of 6.91 metres. She also proved victorious in this year’s “Golden League”, before securing her Olympic quota at the Balkan Championships in Kraljevo. MUŠKI KAJAKAŠKI ČETVERAC / MEN’S KAYAK FOUR Anđelo Džombeta (20. avgust 1996, Novi Sad), Marko Novaković (4. januar 1989, Sen- ta), Stefan Vrdoljak (12. novembar 2000, Sremska Mitrovica) i Vladimir Torubarov (22. mart 1993, Novi Sad) na SP u Duisburgu su bili osmi u A finalu, što je bilo dovoljno da se odvesla do Pariza. Anđelo Džombeta (20 th August 1996, No- vi Sad), Marko Novaković (4 th January 1989, Senta), Stefan Vrdoljak (12 th November 2000, Sremska Mitrovica) and Vladimir Torubarov (22 nd March 1993, Novi Sad) finished eighth in the A-final of the World Championships in Duisburg, which was enough for them to “pad- dle” to Paris. ŽENSKA ODBOJKAŠKA REPREZENTACIJA / WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL TEAM Odbojakašice su višestruke prvakinje Evrope i sveta, a na Olimpijskim igrama su stalan gost od 2008. i Pekinga, kada su bile pete. U Rio de Žaneiru su se popele na drugu stepenicu po- bedničkog postolja, dok su u Tokiju bile treće. Srbiju predvodi najbolja odbojkašica na plane- ti, Tijana Bošković.

Andrej Barna was born in Subotica on 6 th March 1998. He

qualified for Paris pre- cisely a year before the start of the Games, by making the semi-final of the 100-metre freestyle at the World Aquatics Champi- onships in Fukuoka.

Mate Nemeš Máté Nemes

Serbia’s women volleyballers are multiple Eu- ropean and world champions and have been a permanent fixture at the Olympics since Bei- jing 2008, when they finished 5 th . They subse- quently made it to the second step of the po- dium in Rio, before coming 3 rd in Tokyo. The Serbia squad is led by Tijana Bošković, the

RVANJE / WRESTLING Mate Nemeš je rođen 21. jula 1993. u Senti. Vlasnik je zlata i dve bronze sa svetskih šam- pionata, odnosno prvak Evrope iz 2022. u rvanju grčko-rimskim stilom do 67 kilogra- ma. Máté Nemes was born in Senta on 21 st Ju- ly 1993. He owns one gold and two bronze medals from world championships and was the 2022 European champion in the cate- gory of Greco-Roman style wrestling up to 67 kilograms.

world’s top female volleyball player. Andrej Barna

PLIVANJE / SWIMMING Andrej Barna je rođen 6. marta 1998. godine u Subotici. U Pariz se plasirao tačno godinu dana pre početka Olimpijskih igara, u polu- finalnoj trci na 100 metara slobodnim stilom na SP u Fukuoki.

98 | Pariz » Paris

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